HS2 Phase One Planning Forum notes for local authorities
These notes have been developed through the Phase One Planning Forum for local authorities when considering Schedule 17 requests for approval.
These Planning Forum Notes have been agreed by the HS2 Phase One Planning Forum. Paragraph 4.1.3 of the HS2 Phase One Planning Memorandum states that “in order to help co-ordinate and secure the expeditious implementation of those planning provisions [i.e. Schedule 17], the Forum will prepare Planning Forum Notes on related matters, which will set out standards and practices to be followed by those implementing the Planning Conditions Schedule”. Paragraph 4.1.5 of the HS2 Phase One Planning Memorandum qualifying authorities, i.e. members of the Planning Forum, will in considering requests for approval under Schedule 17 to the High Speed Rail (London – West Midlands) Act have regard to these Planning Forum Notes.
Updates to this page
Added HS2 Phase One Planning Forum: Principles for Determining Requests for Approval Under Paragraphs 2 and 3
HS2 Phase One Planning Forum: Guidance on pre-application engagement - file attachment updated
HS2 Phase One Planning Forum: Bringing into Use Approvals - file attachment UPDATED
Updated PFN 5 and PFN 16.
Updated HS2 Phase One Planning Forum: Consultation on Requests for Approval under Schedule 17.
New document added: HS2 Phase One Planning Forum: Lineside Noise Barrier Types
Updated HS2 Phase One Planning Forum: Drawings for Plans and Specifications Approvals
Updated Planning Forum Note 6.
Updated Planning Forum Note 7.
Replaced PFN 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 and 14.
Added PFN17.
Added PFN15 and 16.
Added updated Planning Forum Note 7.
PFN9 updated
PFN14 added
PFN13 added and appendix attached to PFN9
PFN 10 and 11 added
Notes with reference PFN1, 3, 6, 8 and 10 added.
First published.