Statutory guidance

HS2 safeguarding guidance for property owners

For property owners who require further information on HS2 safeguarding and serving a Blight Notice.


Statutory blight questionnaire


As well as helping to protect the land needed to construct and operate High Speed Two (HS2), the safeguarding directions also trigger something known as ‘Statutory Blight’.

‘Statutory Blight’ is when a property owner is within the safeguarded area and may be eligible to serve a Blight Notice asking the Secretary of State for Transport to buy their property prior to it being needed for construction of HS2.

Please ensure you have read the guidance on this page prior to serving a Blight Notice.

The respective guidance in the Alternative dispute resolution for compulsory purchase claims document asks that all formal requests for ADR are issued to, and we ask that all requests are made via this form.

Safeguarding maps

To find out if your property is within the safeguarding area please check the HS2 safeguarding page.

Updates to this page

Published 9 July 2013
Last updated 9 March 2023 show all updates
  1. Updated Alternative dispute resolution for compulsory purchase claims.

  2. Updated Alternative dispute resolution for compulsory purchase claims.

  3. Document added: Scottish Safeguarding information document.

  4. Updated Selling your home or small business using the Statutory Blight or Express Purchase process

  5. Updated HS2 statutory blight and express purchase: guidance and frequently asked questions.

  6. Added Claim items for the Statutory Blight or Express Purchase scheme and Claim items for the Statutory Blight or Express Purchase scheme checklist.

  7. Selling your home or small business using the Statutory Blight or Express Purchase process document updated

  8. Guidance and FAQ document updated to Plain English standard

  9. Update to guidance and FAQs document

  10. Phase One, 2a and 2b statutory blight and express purchase guidance replaced by new route-wide version

  11. New guidance and Advance Dispute Resolution document added

  12. Phase 2a guidance updated

  13. Updated 2b guidance

  14. Updated version of 'HS2 Phase One statutory blight and express purchase: a guide for property owners' uploaded to page to replace existing document.

  15. First published.

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