Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine: PGD template
Patient group direction (PGD) template to support the national human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination programme.
Applies to England
This patient group direction (PGD) template supports the administration of HPV vaccine to individuals from 12 years of age or from school year 8 in accordance with the national immunisation programme.
HPV PGD version 6 is valid from 1 September 2023 to 1 September 2025.
Practitioners must not use this PGD template until it has been authorised in Section 2. This is a legal requirement see Human Medicines Regulations 2012. Practitioners should follow local policy/procedures to access authorised PGD documents.
This PGD template should be used with reference to current national guidance, the Green Book, and Summary of Product Characteristics.