ICT Purchases
We were asked:
1.Please specify the total amount your organisation spent on ICT products in 2010, 2011 and 2012. For the purposes of our study, ICT products include, but are not limited to: computers, screens, keyboards, laptops, printers, mobile phones, iPads and other tablets. If possible, please split this response by product, otherwise please give total annual spends for 2010, 2011 and 2012.
2.Who are your 5 biggest ICT suppliers in the last 3 years and what proportion of your spend went to each supplier?
3.Do you have an ethical procurement policy that deals with labour rights issues, ideally solely or as part of a broader policy? Please provide a URL link or attachment with the policy.
4.Do you have staff with ethical or sustainable procurement expertise employed internally – we’d particularly like to know about whether you have a Procurement Manager with this remit, or a Sustainability Manager. What is/are their name/s and email address(es)?
5.Does your organisation procure its own ICT products? If so what proportion of your spend in the last 3 years was done through setting up your own ICT contracts with suppliers?
6.Does your organisation procure ICT products through a purchasing consortium? If so which is it/are they? If so what proportion of your spend in the last 3 years was done through this purchasing consortium?
7.Do you procure ICT products by using framework contracts you share with others. If so what proportion of your spend in the last 3 years was done through framework contracts? Which contract did you use?
8.If your process of ordering ICT products is through central government purchases, what proportion of your spend in the last 3 years was done through central government procurement? Which contract did you use?
We Replied:
As a small department the Wales Office does not directly procure IT or ICT products. We use Ministry of Justice (MOJ) contracts, and ATOS is the current contract holder. The Wales Office is recharged by the MOJ for the lease and use of all ICT equipment under this contract. The cost for these charges was:
2010-11 - £146,814 2011-12 - £128,391 2012-13 - £128,391
This accounts for virtually all the Wales Office IT or ICT costs. The Wales Office does not have any staff specifically trained in procurement, and uses the expertise of the Ministry of Justice.
Outside our relationship with the MOJ, the Wales Office purchased an iPad in May 2012, from Apple, at a cost of £434.00, for use on ministerial visits.