ICT training
Response to a request made under the Freedom of Information Act for information on ICT training.
A request was made for information on ICT training in Highways England, including the amount of the budget allocated for ICT technical training from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016; the identity of the ICT managers purchasing ICT technical training; a list of ‘requests for quotes’ for ICT technical training purchased over the next 12 months; a list of ICT software upgrades planned over the next 12 months; the number of hardware upgrades planned for the next financial year; details of any ICT projects; the amount of ICT technical training purchased from QA Limited since 1 April 2015; whether Highways England has any skills licences purchased from QA Limited and the names of ICT managers purchasing such licences. In resposne, Highways England provided the information requested.