Research and analysis

Identification of blue green algae of the British Isles: guide for the identification of species

A practical guide for identifying blue-green algal flora


Identification of Blue Green Algae of the British Isles Guide to the Genera and Use of the Interactive CD-ROM for Identification of Species

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The lack of suitable reference books for accurate naming of blue-green algae has been a major hindrance to algological work within the Agency. Whilst there are both beginner’s guides and specialised taxonomic works (usually in foreign languages), a practical blue -green algal flora has not been available. This collaborative project with the University of Durham has produced a key for identification of blue-green algae from the British Isles to assist Agency staff engaged in monitoring work. The principal output is a computer-based interactive system built from LucID Professional, a specialised computer package for developing biological identification systems.

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Published 1 January 2000

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