Identifying and meeting local skills needs to support growth
What the government is doing to support areas across England to reshape technical skills to better meet the needs of employers and the wider economy.
Applies to England
Information about local skills improvement plans (LSIPs) and the local skills improvement fund (LSIF).
Updates to this page
Updated 'Local skills improvement plans (LSIPs) and local skills improvement fund (LSIF)' to reflect the implementation of stage 2 LSIP and funding beginning for LSIF.
Information has been added on the local skills improvement fund (LSIF) and there has been an update to information on the local skills improvement plans (LSIPs) in line with the publication of the plans by designated employer representative bodies.
Updated to reflect the designation of ERBs for all 38 areas of England and the publication of updated statutory guidance on local skills improvement plans.
First published.