R062 - Identifying where existing EIAs/HRAs can/should inform new assessments
Updated 10 October 2019
1. Requirement overview
1.1 Requirement detail
The MMO requires knowledge of which assessments submitted in support of license applications could and should be made publically more easily accessible, available, and how this should be done.
Currently, a significant number of assessments such as Environmental Impact Assessments (EIA) and Habitats Regulations Assessments (HRA), Water Framework Directive Assessments and Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) assessments are undertaken in English waters to support marine licence decision making.
Previous assessments can be accessed through the MMO Public Register on a case by case basis. Decision makers need to be able to access numerous relevant assessments more easily.
1.2 MMO use
Marine Licensing: Provide an overview of previous license assessments that might be useful for future applications and licensing decision making. Improve discoverability and accessibility to this information
Marine Conservation: Provide information for conducting habitats regulations assessments for European marine sites and impact assessments for management measures for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs).
1.3 External interest
Natural England, Environment Agency, Cefas, developers, statutory licensing advisors
2. Aims and objectives
2.1 Aim
To improve the use of assessments and monitoring reporting submitted to MMO.
2.2 Objectives
The objectives are as follows:
- understand what evidence is held within assessments to support licensing applications and in post consent monitoring reports submitted to the MMO
- create a spatial tool to allow access to previous relevant environmental assessments in proximity to a specified location such as a licence application or MPA
3. Existing evidence
3.1 MMO
The MMO Public Register can be queried to some extent on what assessments are attached to a licence application. MMO1098 Access to industry data – this project assessed the potential for industry data submitted in support of license applications could be made more accessible. The project was a collaboration between MMO, MEDIN and Marine Scotland for the Productive Seas Evidence Group (PSEG).
3.2 Other
The Crown Estate’s Marine Data Exchange hosts valuable information from past consents
4. Further details
For more information or to add further research to the existing evidence list please email evidence@marinemanagement.org.uk