If you cannot get an NHS COVID Pass letter (easy read)
Easy read version of the non-personal information sent to you if you cannot get an NHS COVID Pass letter about your COVID-19 status.
Applies to England
The NHS COVID Pass letter can take up to 7 working days to arrive in the post. If your letter does not arrive after 7 working days, it is likely because of one of the following reasons:
- your address is incorrect on your GP record
- your vaccination details were not found
- your vaccination details are incorrect
- you do not meet the requirements for an NHS COVID Pass letter
Find out more about who can get an NHS COVID Pass for travel.
If you meet the requirements, it will be quicker to get an NHS COVID Pass digitally through the NHS App or online via NHS.UK. People aged 5 and over can get an NHS COVID Pass online and people aged 13 and over can also get an NHS COVID Pass via the NHS App.
Alternatively, after the 7 working days, you can call 119 to report an issue. You may be referred to the Vaccine Data Resolution Service.
Find out more about demonstrating your COVID-19 status.
Updates to this page
Updated information about the letter.
Changing title of guidance to reflect that from 21 June 2021, the NHS service to demonstrate your COVID-19 vaccination status is now called the NHS COVID Pass.
First published.