Immigration Act: part 1 - labour market and illegal working
Part 1 of the Immigration Act about the labour market and illegal working.
Part 1 of the act will deal with the exploitation of the labour market by:
- providing a logical enforcement strategy to crack down on serious exploitation of workers by establishing a new director who will oversee the relevant enforcement agencies
- making it a criminal offence to work illegally, seizing illegal workers’ earnings as the proceeds of crime
- making it easier to prosecute employers who deliberately or ‘turn a blind eye’ to employing illegal workers, and making sanctions tougher
- creating powers to close businesses and apply special compliance measures to employers who continue to flout the law
- ensuring that licenses for the sale of alcohol and late night refreshments are subject to compliance with immigration laws
- addressing illegal working in licensed premises: draft regulations to make provision for Scotland and Northern Ireland which is equivalent to that for England and Wales
Updates to this page
New impact assessment on the Introduction of an immigration check to alcohol and late night refreshment licence applications.
New policy equality statement on prevention of illegal working in licensed premises for the sale of alcohol and late night refreshment.
New document: Validation impact assessment for private hire vehicles and taxis.
New impact assessment on tackling exploitation in the labour market.
New Immigration Act factsheet on labour market and illegal working.
New draft regulations.
Updated information.
Updated factsheet guidance.
New taxi licensing impact assessment document.
New regulatory triage assessment.
Added line regarding the consultation on labour market enforcement launched on 13 October.
First published.