First-tier Tribunal bail: caseworker guidance
Immigration staff guidance on administrative processes around a bail hearing.
UK Visas and Immigration guidance for staff about its administrative processes around a bail hearing.
Updates to this page
First-tier Tribunal bail: completing the bail summary guidance updated to reflect the implementation of section 46(8) of the Nationality and Borders Act 2022.
'First-tier Tribunal bail: completing the bail summary' guidance updated.
Guidance on completing the bail summary updated as follows: updated terminology; added new sections to reflect the changes made to the BAIL 505 form; added security of data sharing section and the process for updating Atlas; removed standard paragraphs for opposing bail; added changes due to the introduction of the Nationality and Borders Act 2022 within the reasons for opposing bail section.
First-tier Tribunal bail: completing the bail summary guidance updated.
Updated the bail summary guidance.
First-tier Tribunal bail on completing the bail summary guidance updated.
Updated guidance published.
Updated guidance: First-tier Tribunal bail: completing the bail summary guidance.
Replaced the guidance document with a new one.
New First-tier Tribunal bail: completing the bail summary guidance.
Updated guidance published on first-tier tribunal bail.
First published.