
Immunoglobulin: when to use

UK Health Security Agency's immunoglobulin handbook, providing guidance on administering immunoglobulin to prevent serious disease.

Applies to England


Rabies: Human Rabies Immunoglobulin (HRIG)


Human Rabies Immunoglobulin (HRIG)

Further advice about post-exposure rabies treatment, supply and administration of rabies vaccine and immunoglobulin please see guidance for rabies post-exposure prophylaxis.

Measles post-exposure prophylaxis

For guidance on the use of post-exposure prophylaxis for measles in high-risk groups please see guidance for measles post-exposure prophylaxis.

Tetanus immunoglobulin

For guidance on the treatment of tetanus cases and management of tetanus prone wounds, please see tetanus: guidance for health professionals.

Post exposure prophylaxis for chickenpox and shingles

For the latest guidance, please see the guidelines on post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) for chickenpox and shingles

Immunoglobulins are concentrated antibody preparations that provide immediate short-term protection against disease for individuals at high risk of severe disease or serious complications from the disease.

These documents contain information, indications and guidance for the use of immunoglobulin preparations for each individual disease.

Updates to this page

Published 1 October 2008
Last updated 7 November 2024 show all updates
  1. Removed 'Immunoglobulins - how and when to issue out of hours'.

  2. Added 'Administration of HNIG for measles post-exposure prophylaxis' and updated General product information and how to administer immunoglobulin (issued August 2020) include HNIG for measles.

  3. Added 'Hepatitis A immunoglobulin (issued 2024)'.

  4. Updated Post-exposure for non-responders section in Hepatitis B immunoglobulin.

  5. Updated 'Hepatitis B immunoglobulin'.

  6. Updated hepatitis B immunoglobulin.

  7. Updated Diphtheria anti-toxin: clinical guidance.

  8. Removed 'Important information about the Intervax diphtheria anti-toxin Lot 146 and extended use' as no longer applicable.

  9. Updated Rabies and Immunoglobulin Service information.

  10. Added updated guidance on the use of diphtheria anti-toxin.

  11. Added Hepatitis B immunoglobulin: March 2021.

  12. Added revised guidance on the use of diphtheria anti-toxin, October 2020

  13. Added: Important information about the Intervax diphtheria anti-toxin Lot 146 and extended use.

  14. Updated general immunoglobulin information.

  15. Updated Rabies and Immunoglobulin Service (RIgS).

  16. Updated 'Rabies and Immunoglobulin Service: use of approved courier services'.

  17. Added revised hepatitis B immunoglobulin guidance.

  18. Added revised Hepatitis A immunoglobulin guidance.

  19. Added link to revised guidance for health professionals.

  20. RIgS page updated. VZIG documents removed and link to new VZIG page added to the details section.

  21. Added revised Diphtheria Anti-toxin (DAT) guidance for August 2018.

  22. Added revised Diphtheria Anti-toxin (DAT) guidance updated due to DAT supply.

  23. Added revised interim guidance on the use of Diphtheria anti-toxin.

  24. Added document: Updated restrictions on use of VZIG during supply shortage: advice to health professions and RIgs page updated.

  25. Updated to reflect Greenbook changes in Human Rabies Immunoglobulin (HRIG) guidance.

  26. Uploaded interim VZIG guidance for pregnant women exposed to varicella, in relation to current immunoglobulin shortages.

  27. Added details of VZIG restrictions due to shortage.

  28. Updated Chickenpox (varicella-zoster) immunoglobulin guidance to clarify dose of methotrexate on page 10.

  29. Updated hepatitis A immunoglobulin guidance to clarify dosage and timing details.

  30. Updated 'Chickenpox (varicella-zoster) immunoglobulin May 2017' guidance by adding 'methotrexate' to table on page 12.

  31. Updated Chickenpox (varicella-zoster) immunoglobulin guidance.

  32. Updated rabies and immunoglobulin service guidance.

  33. Updated Chickenpox human varicella-zoster immunoglobulin guidance

  34. Details on an update to the Rabies and Immunoglobulin Service (RIgS).

  35. Updated the diphtheria anti-toxin chapter: the dosage section on page 1 has changed, based on WHO guidance and may differ from the Summary of Product Characteristics (SmPC).

  36. First published.

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