Impact of the 'Option to Tax' measure
Research with recipients and suppliers of commercial land and buildings to understand the impact of the option to tax measure.
This report presents findings from research commissioned by HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) to increase understanding of the impact of the option to tax on suppliers (for example, landlords) and recipients (for example, tenants) of commercial land and buildings.
The aim of this research was to extend the Department’s understanding in terms how the option to tax is used and the administrative burden it places on those who use it. The research aimed to understand the reasons why businesses choose to use the option to tax, an estimate of the value of properties leased or purchased by recipients of the option to tax (and how this compares to values associated with properties who are not opted), an estimate of the value of properties leased out or sold by suppliers of the option to tax (and how this compares to values associated with properties who are not opted) and the compliance and administrative burdens imposed on businesses as a consequence the option to tax.