
Submit a pleasure craft report

Before you sail to or from the UK, submit your voyage plan with details of your vessel, people and goods on board. Find out how to change or cancel your report.

If you are leaving or entering the UK on a pleasure boat of any kind, you must submit a pleasure craft report.

The report gives Border Force and HMRC details of your voyage plan and people and goods on board.

Check custom rules for sailing your pleasure craft to, from and within UK waters to find out what you should report and when.

When you need to submit

If you’re submitting your report online, you must do this within 24 hours and up to 2 hours before departure or arrival. This is the quickest and most efficient way to submit your pleasure craft report.

If you’re using the other forms on this page you can submit your report on arrival in the UK or when you depart.

What you’ll need

You’ll need to provide:

  • your pleasure craft details, including registration if applicable
  • the skipper’s details
  • the passport or travel document details for all people on board
  • date and estimated departure and arrival times for your plan

Submit your report online

Use the online service ‘Tell Border Force and HMRC you are sailing to or from the UK in a pleasure craft’. The online service:

  • means you’ll not need to contact Border Force or the National Yachtline directly
  • lets you amend your voyage plan if any details change such as departure time
  • replaces your previous report with your amended one, giving you a new reference
  • allows you to cancel the report if your voyage is abandoned

Start now

If you cannot access the online service

You may be unable to access the online service due to a lack of internet or because the service has been taken offline for a period of time.

If you want to create and submit an initial voyage plan and you cannot access the online service, please submit your report by email using the (sPCR) fallback form.

Submit your report by email

Email form (sPCR fallback template): non-UK voyages

Request an accessible format.
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a version of this document in a more accessible format, please email Please tell us what format you need. It will help us if you say what assistive technology you use.
  1. Fill in the sPCR fallback template if you cannot get online to create a new voyage plan.

  2. Use instructions for completion in the ‘Additional information’ tab.

  3. Email the form using the address for your region (North, Central, South, South East) on the ‘Declare and Submission’ tab. This pre-populates an email to the regional Border Force office, HMRC and the National Yachtline.

Submit your report by print and post

Form c1331: non-UK voyages

Request an accessible format.
If you use assistive technology (such as a screen reader) and need a version of this document in a more accessible format, please email Please tell us what format you need. It will help us if you say what assistive technology you use.
  1. Download and save the form on your computer.

  2. Open it using the latest free version of Adobe Reader.

  3. Use part 1 for voyages leaving the UK.

  4. Use part 2 for voyages arriving in the UK and post it to the address on page 2.

  5. You must tell the National Yachtline you’re arriving in the UK.

  6. You must not land goods or persons or transfer them to another vessel until a Border Force officer says you may do so.

Email HMRC to ask for this form in Welsh (Cymraeg).

Change or cancel your voyage

You must tell us, at the earliest opportunity, if your departure is delayed or abandoned, or if any details in your pleasure craft report change.

If you fail to notify Border Force of any changes to the voyage plan, you may be liable to a penalty.

Amend a voyage reported online

If any details you’ve submitted as part of voyage plan change, use the online service and follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the online service (sPCR) to amend your voyage.

  2. Keep the new reference as the amended report will replace the previous one.

  3. If your voyage is abandoned, cancel your report.

If you cannot get online, you must tell the National Yachtline about the changes as soon as you’re aware of them. Call them on 0300 123 2012.

Amend a voyage reported by email (sPCR fallback)

Amend and resubmit the sPCR form by email, putting ‘voyage abandoned or delayed’ in the email subject line and body.

Amend a voyage reported by post (c1331)

Submit part 2 of the c1331 form by post to the address on page 2 of the form, and endorse it with the words ‘voyage abandoned’.

Updates to this page

Published 20 November 2023
Last updated 13 November 2024 show all updates
  1. The sPCR fallback template has been updated to reduce the traffic to the National Yachtline and ensure a better user experience.

  2. First published.

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