Recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive
Impact assessment on the recast Energy Performance of Buildings Directive, effective from 9 January 2013.
Applies to England and Wales
The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive is an EU measure designed to tackle climate change by reducing the amount of carbon produced by buildings. The requirements of the Directive were implemented on a phased basis by the Energy Performance of Buildings (Certificates and Inspections) (England and Wales) Regulations 2007.
The main requirements were:
- energy performance certificate to be produced on the sale, rent or construction of a building
- display energy certificate to be produced and displayed in large public buildings
- air conditioning equipment above a certain size to be inspected regularly
Changes have been made to the regulations, to transpose the requirements of a recast of the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive in England and Wales. The main requirements will be introduced on 9 January 2013 and are summarised below:
- property advertisements to include details of energy performance certificate rating where available
- no longer a requirement to attach front page of the energy performance certificate to written material
- extension of current requirement for a display energy certificate in large public buildings, to public buildings above 500m². Unlike buildings larger than 1,000m², display energy certificates for smaller public buildings will be valid for 10 years
- energy performance certificate to be displayed in commercial premises larger than 500m² where one has been previously issued
The guidance documents have been revised to reflect the changes:
- Energy Performance Certificates for the construction, sale and let of non-dwellings
- Energy Performance Certificates for the construction, sale and let of dwellings
- Display Energy Certificates and advisory reports for public buildings
- Air-conditioning inspections for buildings
- Local weights and measures guidance for Energy Performance Certificates and air-conditioning inspections for buildings
The new regulations consolidate all existing regulations which have been revoked. They are available at