
In-Country Training Team deployments for BMATT (CZ)

A summary of British Military Advisory Training Team (Czech Republic) deployments.



In-Country Training Team (ICTT) tasks are a main part of the unit’s mandate and some 50% of our time and manpower resources are dedicated to this vital outreach work. The reason is straightforward, the UK’s armed forces and, increasingly, our Czech counterparts, have a wealth of experience to offer countries currently engaged in the transition from conscript-based to truly professional, democratically accountable armies.

To date, 2014 ICTTs have been conducted in:

  • Romania x 2: Instructor training courses* Serbia: MPSO ITC (Multinational peace support operations instructor training course)
  • Kazakhstan: PSO (Peace support operations) in preparation for Ex STEPPE EAGLE 14
  • Croatia: MPSO (Multinational peace support operations) instructor training course
Published 2 December 2013
Last updated 22 January 2015 + show all updates
  1. Updated the Detail section regarding the ICTTs that have been conducted and added ICTT for 2014.

  2. First published.