
Independent review of the UKSA: Call for Evidence Response Template (HTML)

Updated 12 March 2024

It is recommended that you read the full call for evidence guidance document found on the UKSA Review webpage before completing your response.

Please note that the text boxes used in this template can be expanded to accommodate additional text.

Guidance for respondents

  • You must provide all the relevant information in Section 1, or we may not be able to process your submission. You do not need to respond to all of the questions in Section 2 if they are not all relevant to you.
  • Answers should not exceed a maximum limit of 500 words per question. Submissions exceeding this recommended length may not be read in their entirety.
  • You must clearly state which questions you’re answering by referring to the relevant numbers assigned to each question.
  • Please provide specific examples wherever possible.
  • Where you have referenced specific sources, please provide a bibliography in the box provided. This does not count towards your word count.

Section 1 - General Information

1. Full name (including title)

2. E-mail address

3. Contact Number and Address

4. Please mark the statement below [X] as applicable.

[ ] I have read and understood the Privacy Notice for the UKSA review.

The Privacy Notice can be found on the UKSA Review Call for Evidence webpage.

5. Privacy statement: Please mark one statement below [X] as applicable.

[ ] I am content for my name / organisation name to be published alongside the response.

[ ] I am not content for my name to be published alongside my response.

[ ] I would like my response to be confidential.

6. If you indicated that you would like your response to be confidential, please state why.

7. In what capacity are you responding? Please mark one statement below [X] as applicable.

[ ] Individual.

[ ] On behalf of an Organisation.

[ ] Academic.

8. If you are responding on behalf of an organisation, please confirm:

  • Organisation Name.
  • Type of organisation, e.g. private company, charity, government department.

9. Please tell us your reason for submitting evidence. For example, are you responding as a ‘user’ of ONS statistics, or a ‘supplier’ of data to the UKSA/ONS?

Section 2 - Call for Evidence questions

IMPORTANT: Where a question has not listed the UKSA, the ONS and the OSR separately, the ‘UKSA’ should be understood as including the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and the Office for Statistics Regulation (OSR).

The ‘UKSA’ should not be understood as including the Government Statistical Service (GSS). Where a question is asking about GSS, this will be explicitly stated.


The review will focus on the outcomes for users of the UKSA’s work. The review will explore whether the UKSA is producing statistics that respond to genuine user need, given its underpinning remit is to promote statistics for the public good.

  1. To what extent is the UKSA successful at producing high quality and respected official statistics? Please provide specific examples, including of international comparators.
  2. Does the UKSA effectively understand, anticipate and prioritise to meet user needs, fulfilling its remit to promote and safeguard statistics for the public good?
  3. How effectively does the UKSA communicate statistics to users? Please include your view of its role in communicating both the production of statistics and providing analysis and interpretation.
  4. Is the UKSA developing appropriate new capacity, capabilities and techniques in Digital, Data (including data science) and Technology to support improvements to quality and efficiency, including across a range of its statistics that can make greater use of new forms of data? Please provide examples.

Please provide your response in the box below. Make sure to note the “Guidance for respondents” provided above before completing.


The review will consider the governance arrangements including the adequacy of the independence of UKSA and whether there is any conflict between the production and regulation functions it performs. The review will also consider the UKSA approach to UK-wide data, board effectiveness reviews and board diversity.

1. Does the UKSA operate at an appropriate ‘length of arm’ to ensure the right balance between alignment with government priorities and the need for technical expertise and impartiality?

2. To what extent are the roles of the ONS, the OSR and the UKSA appropriately clear and distinct? Is there clarity around and balance between roles and responsibilities in relation to the production and regulation functions? Please provide examples, including of other regulatory models both inside and outside of the UK that are comparable or relevant examples of best practice.

3. How well does the ONS and the OSR perform its roles with respect to the whole UK official statistics system? Please provide examples of successes and/or areas for improvement and consider relationships:

a. With other government departments to support policy development

b. Across the four Nations

4. How effectively does the UKSA provide strategic leadership for the Government Statistical Service? Are there areas for improvement or examples of successes and how effective is the strategic management of the professional talent pipeline?

Please provide your response in the box below. Make sure to note the “Guidance for respondents” provided above before completing.


The review will focus on the adequacy of accountability arrangements with the Cabinet Office and whether ministers have enough assurance to meet their duties as set out in Managing Public Money.

  1. Is there an effective and appropriate relationship between the UKSA as a non-ministerial department and the Cabinet Office as the sponsor department?
  2. Is the accountability of the UKSA to the UK Parliament, the Scottish Parliament, the Welsh Parliament and the Northern Ireland Assembly well understood and effective?
  3. Are there any examples of where you think accountability could be improved and how?

Please provide your response in the box below. Make sure to note the “Guidance for respondents” provided above before completing.


The government has asked all ALBs to consider additional efficiencies contributing to an overall reduction in spending, in the context of existing settlements and the 2022 Autumn Statement.

  1. Is the UKSA delivering its role efficiently, making best use of resources?
  2. Is the ONS set up to operate efficiently? You may wish to consider the clarity and effectiveness of the ONS’s strategic, cross-organisational delivery and the impact of future technology on the production of national statistics.
  3. Is the ONS producing statistics and analysis that is central to its remit? Are there examples of work undertaken by the ONS that is not central to its remit?
  4. Are appropriate plans in place to support the delivery of the UKSA five year strategy, ‘Statistics for the Public Good’?

Please provide your response in the box below. Make sure to note the “Guidance for respondents” provided above before completing.