
Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) Phase 2: Autumn 2022 (closed to applications)

Phase 2 of the IETF provides grant funding for feasibility and engineering studies, and for the deployment of industrial energy efficiency and deep decarbonisation projects.

Applies to England, Northern Ireland and Wales


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Update: 26 April 2023

The IETF Phase 2: Autumn 2022 competition is closed.

We are assessing applications.

Visit the IETF winners page to see past competition winners.

IETF Phase 2: Autumn 2022 provides approximately £70 million of grant funding for the following project types:

  • studies - feasibility and engineering studies to enable companies to investigate identified energy efficiency and decarbonisation projects prior to making an investment decision
  • energy efficiency - deployment of technologies to reduce industrial energy consumption
  • deep decarbonisation - deployment of technologies to achieve industrial emissions savings


The Phase 2: Autumn 2022 competition was open to businesses of any size registered and operating in England, Wales or Northern Ireland. Some IETF funding rules may differ for businesses based in Northern Ireland.

If your site is based in Scotland, you can apply for the Scottish Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (SIETF). Contact for more information.

Non-road mobile machinery

In this application window, the IETF also supported projects that improve the energy efficiency and/or reduce emissions of non-road mobile machinery (NRMM). The machinery must be necessary to, and a part of, the industrial process located within the boundary of the eligible site. Find out more in the applicant guidance.

Industry type

Your business must operate an existing site which falls into one of the following SIC codes:

Eligible industrial processes SIC codes
Mining and quarrying 05101 through to 05200
07100 through to 08990
Manufacturing 10000 through to 33200
Recovery and recycling of materials 38320
Data centre 63110

Please check the SIC code you were allocated at the time of registering at Companies House. If the parent company SIC Code does not reflect the activity carried out at your site, for example where a data centre is owned by a telecoms company, you may still be eligible.

The guidance document provides more detail on the eligibility criteria. You can also contact us about eligibility at type ‘Eligibility screening assessment request’ as the subject line of the email.

Minimum and maximum thresholds

The funding will be awarded as grants towards the total costs of successful proposals. Your proposal must fall within the stated minimum and maximum award thresholds in this table. Unless otherwise specified, thresholds refer to the minimum and maximum grant that you can apply for.

Funding applied for Minimum threshold per application Maximum threshold per project
Energy efficiency deployment projects £100,000 £14 million
Deep decarbonisation deployment projects £100,000 £30 million
Engineering studies £50,000 (total eligible cost) £14 million
Feasibility studies £30,000 (total eligible cost) £7 million

How to apply

The Autumn 2022 competition closed to applications in February 2023.

Get in touch

If you need more information about Phase 2 of the IETF or the application process for England, Wales and Northern Ireland, please contact us at

Stakeholder events and clinics

We ran events and clinics throughout the competition window to inform businesses about the scope of the competitions, eligibility criteria and the application process. These were also opportunities for you to speak to us directly about potential projects and applications for funding.

Other useful sources

Listen to our IETF Phase 2 podcast series with key officials, competition winners, stakeholders and industry experts.

Read our IETF Phase 2 policy statement which explains the design choices.

Updates to this page

Published 20 September 2022
Last updated 9 May 2023 show all updates
  1. Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) Phase 2: Autumn 2022 is now closed to applications.

  2. Competition deadline extended to 17 February 2023.

  3. Industrial Energy Transformation Fund (IETF) Phase 2: Autumn 2022 is now open to applications.

  4. First published.

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