Industry of Future Programme: scoping study
This programme aimed to increase the range of options available to industry to enable them to decarbonise at a faster rate.
BEIS is providing £1.46 million funding for a scoping study as part of the Industry of Future Programme, an industrial decarbonisation programme.
The scoping study is being carried out by a delivery partner Atkins, an engineering and project management consultancy - a member of the SNC-Lavalin Group. The study will investigate options for decarbonising 16 industrial sites across UK, which applied to be part of the programme and conform with the programme’s eligibility criteria, helping drive down emissions, as part of the initial phases of this new Programme.
The scoping study aims to develop technology solutions and implementation plans for the industrial sites through the creation of Net Zero industrial decarbonisation roadmaps. The findings from the roadmaps will increase government and market understanding of site and sectoral technology gaps through the publication of a Scoping Study Overview Report.
These findings will help inform the development of the full £30 million programme, which will be launched later this year (anticipated around December).