Standards for drivers who have had a stroke or transient ischaemic attack (TIA) (INF188/3)
A guide to the driving standards for car or motorcycle licence holders who have had a stroke or TIA.
You do not need to tell us if you have had a TIA if you have a car or motorcycle licence.
If you have had a stroke you need to tell us if you have suffered any complications.
If you have had a stroke or TIA and hold a bus or lorry licence you must tell DVLA.
Updates to this page
Updated INF188/3 attachment (English)
Added translation
latest version of the INF188/3.
New version of the INF188/3.
New version of the INF188/3 leaflet published.
Bullet point added to what you need to tell DVLA about.
New version of the INF188/3 published.
First published.