Information economy strategy
Strategy from government and industry for the future of the information economy.
This strategy sets out a plan for government and industry to continue to work together to promote the success of the UK information economy sector. Its main themes are:
- a strong, innovative information economy sector exporting UK excellence to the world
- UK businesses across the economy making smart use of information technology and data
- ensuring citizens benefit from the digital age
- underpinning the information economy in the UK
Our new Information Economy Council, made up of representatives from government, business and academia will set the agenda for actions towards this strategy and monitor progress. Businesses and users across the economy can contribute on the actions they would like to see and how we can build a strong information economy in the UK.
On 31 October 2013 we published ‘Seizing the Data Opportunity: a Strategy for Data Capability’. It set out plans to ensure that the UK is at the forefront of extracting knowledge and value from data, and is an early outcome of the information economy strategy.
You can submit comments through the Information Economy Council website, or on twitter using the #infoeconomy hashtag.
For further background see the earlier Information Economy Strategy: Call for Views and Evidence.
The information economy infographic is available in other formats from Flickr: Industrial sector infographics.