Information security breaches survey 2014
How information security breaches are affecting UK businesses.
This survey sets out the number and nature of information security breaches experienced by UK business in 2013. The report compares this data with the 2013 information security breaches survey, which looks at breaches in 2012. This shows the scale of cyber security threats facing business and how these have increased. It shows how the average number of breaches has risen for both large and small businesses. Small businesses in particular experience higher levels of attacks from outsiders.
The survey covers:
- the number of information security breaches experienced by UK businesses
- the type of breach
- the financial cost of these breaches
The report also shows how much of a priority information security is for businesses. It covers how companies deal with information security relating to expenditure and staff awareness.
The government has also published ‘Small businesses: what you need to know about cyber security’.