C117 — application for Authorised Economic Operator status
Updated 22 January 2024
This is the information you will need to provide to complete C117 of the application for Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status.
C117 - application for Authorised Economic Operator status
To complete this form you will need the following information:
Applicant details:
- name of business applying
- company website
- registered business address
- primary place of business address
The authorisation status being applied for.
Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number that starts with GB (and one that starts with XI if you also have one for Northern Ireland).
Description of the legal status of the business, including:
- business details
- date of establishment
- address where the main accounts for customs purposes are kept, if it’s different to a previously mentioned address
- VAT registration number
- legal registration number
Person responsible for customs matters:
- full name
- contact address if different to a previously mentioned address
Designated contact:
- full name
- position held in the company
- telephone number
- email address
Person exercising management control:
- full name
- position held
- date of birth
- National Insurance number (if they have one)
- address of the person in charge if it’s different to a previously mentioned address
- correspondence address if it’s different to a previously mentioned address
The nature of the economic activity carried out by the company, including:
- other economic activity
- description of the economic activity
Details for each of your sites in Northern Ireland (if your authorisation covers Northern Ireland):
- country code
- border crossing information*
- border crossing 1
*Border crossing information for sites in Northern Ireland:
Border code | Border crossing site |
X1000001 | Northern Ireland Central Community Transit Office |
XI000014 | Belfast International Airport |
XI000140 | George Best (Belfast City) |
XI000142 | Belfast Docks, Unit 2 Block C |
XI003210 | Londonderry |
XI005160 | Warrenpoint |
XI005220 | Larne |
Details of any simplifications or facilitations that have already been granted, including:
- examples
- details of the main simplification or facilitation granted
- type of simplification or facilitation
- code for the relevant customs procedure
- authorisation number
- number of certificate for facilities already granted
If you hold one or more certificates mentioned in article 28 of Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2447, give the details of the:
- type and number of the certificates
- information exchange consent
To give consent to the exchange of the information you will need:
- information exchange consent details
- email address (if you have one)
- transliterated name of country
- full address for consent
Details about the business activities:
- financial accounts
- the accounts for years 1, 2 and 3
If the application covers permanent business establishments, give details about:
- the number of permanent business establishments
- each sites full name
- full address of each permanent business establishment
- VAT registration number
The address of the office responsible for providing all customs identifications if it’s different to a previously mentioned address.
The address of the office where the customs documentation is kept if it’s different to a previously mentioned address.
Business size information.