
[Withdrawn] Applicant guidance on funding to improve vessels (excluding engines)

Updated 12 January 2024

This form was withdrawn on

Applications for round 3 of the Infrastructure Scheme have now closed.

Grant for UK Seafood Fund: Infrastructure Scheme (round 3)

Grants for improvements to vessels to reduce fuel use and emissions (excluding engines)

Defra Grant Reference: C21956

Section 1: Response particulars and conditions of application


Unless the context otherwise requires, the following words and expressions used within this guidance shall have the following meanings (to be interpreted in the singular or plural as the context requires):

“Agreement” means the agreement (substantially in the terms and conditions template) to be entered into by the Authority and the applicant if the applicant’s application is successful.

“Administrator” means the Marine Management Organisation (MMO).

“Applicant(s)” or “you” or “your” means the business or organisation(s) who submits a completed application in accordance with this guidance. You may employ an agent or consultant to help you complete your application form, but you must sign the form. You will be responsible for ensuring that all the terms and conditions of funding are fulfilled. Responsibility for the content of the application and any supporting information and documentation rests with you and cannot be transferred to your agent or consultant. This means that you will be expected to retain ownership of the work for which you are seeking funding.

“Application process” means the process by which applicants apply for support including completion of the application form on UK Fisheries Support System (UKFSS) and responses to the application questions. This is further explained in the Statement of requirements.

“Application” means an applicant’s formal proposal in response to this guidance.

“Authority” or “we” means the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra).

“Branding Manual” means the ‘Funded by UK Government’ branding manual.

“Conditions of application” means the terms and conditions set out in this guidance relating to the submission of an application.

“Conflict of interest” means an actual or potential conflict of interest on the part of the applicant in connection with this guidance or the agreement.

“Devolved Administrations” or “DAs” means the legislatures and executives in Scotland (Marine Scotland), Wales (Marine and Fisheries Division, Welsh Government) and Northern Ireland (Department of Agriculture, Environmental and Rural Affairs).

“EIR” means the Environmental Information Regulations 2004 (as amended) together with any guidance and/or codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner or relevant government department in relation to those Regulations.

“First come first served” means that completed applications will be handled strictly in the order they are received as complete by MMO. Incomplete applications will be identified by MMO, and the applicant will be made aware of what information is outstanding. Applications will only be considered complete when all evidence is received.

“FOIA” means the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (as amended) and any subordinate legislation made under such Act from time to time together with any guidance and/or codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner or relevant government department in relation to that legislation.

“Grant recipient” means a successful applicant who subsequently receives funding from this scheme.

“Guidance” means this guidance and all related documents published by the Authority and made available to applicants.

“Micro-entity” means a business that has any two of the following characteristics: a) a turnover of £632,000 or less; b) £316,000 or less on its balance sheet; and c) 10 employees or less.

“NI” means Northern Ireland.

“The scheme” has the meaning given to it in Section 2: Statement of Requirements.

“Small-Scale Coastal Fishing (SSCF)” means fishing carried out by fishing vessels of an overall length of 11.99 meters or less.

“Small-to-Medium-sized Enterprise (SME)” means a business that has any two of the following characteristics: a) turnover of less than £36 million; b) £18 million or less on its balance sheet; and c) 250 employees or less.

“Statement of requirements” means the requirements set out in Section 2.

“Terms and Conditions” means the terms and conditions of the agreement.

“Timetable” means the timetable for the application process set out in paragraph 12 of Section 1: Response particulars and conditions of application (as may be updated from time to time by the Authority).

“UK Fisheries Support System” or “UKFSS” means the system used by the Authority for conducting this application process.

References to a “Paragraph” or “Section” are references to a paragraph or section of this guidance.

Reference to a statute or statutory provision is a reference to such statute or statutory provision as amended or re-enacted. A reference to a statute or statutory provision includes any subordinate legislation made under that statute or statutory provision, as amended or re-enacted.


1. Defra is looking to award grants through the UK Seafood Fund (UKSF). This round will make improvements to vessels to reduce fuel use and emissions, infrastructure at ports, and in health and safety for the UK catching sector.

2. This guidance is for improvements to vessels which reduce fuel use and emissions. More detail can be found in Section 2: Statement of requirements.

3. You can access the application pack via the UK Seafood Fund webpage.

4. The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) will be acting as the Administrator for this round and will be the first point of contact for the applicant via the UK Fisheries Support System (UKFSS).

5. It is important that the applicant provides all the information asked for in the guidance in the order and format specified. Only applications verified as complete and compliant will be considered. Applicants will be assessed on a first come, first served basis.

6. You should read this guidance carefully before applying. The guidance sets out:

  • the timetable and process for the application
  • eligibility criteria
  • the administrative arrangements for the submission of applications
  • the information to allow you to submit a compliant application

7. You are responsible for ensuring you submit a complete and accurate application and that costs quoted are arithmetically correct.

8. You can apply from 14 December 2023 until midday GMT on 13 December 2024 or until the fund for the trial has been allocated, whichever happens first. Defra reserves the right to award funding that best reflects the strategic aims of the UKSF, taking into account project type, location and applicant. Defra will make an announcement at least two weeks in advance of the round closing for applications. Applications received after midday GMT on 13 December 2024 may not be considered. If you experience any technical problems submitting your application to the UKFSS, you can contact the MMO by calling 03300 416 579.

9. By applying, you agree to be bound by the terms of this guidance and accept the Terms and Conditions to this guidance. Failure to comply with the instructions set out in the guidance or the provision of false, inaccurate, or misleading information, may result in your exclusion from this application process.

10. Defra may amend or withdraw all or any part of this guidance at any time. This could include by way of example amending the process for submitting applications or extending the deadline. You can sign up for alerts to notify you of any changes on the UK Seafood Fund webpage.

11. If there is any conflict between the information set out in the guidance and the information displayed in the UKFSS, the information set out in the guidance shall take precedence.

Proposed timetable

12. The timetable below is subject to change by Defra. You will be informed of any changes to the timetable through signing up to alerts on the UKFSS.

Application stage Date (and time where applicable)
Applicants can contact MMO/Administrator if they have questions about the application process Up to 29 November 2024 (or until all funds for the trial are allocated)
Deadline for submission of applications Midday GMT 13 December 2024 (or until all funds for the trial are allocated)
Due diligence and eligibility checks Will commence from receipt of a completed application
Funding end date All projects must be completed by 31 March 2025

Submission of applications

13. You must complete all parts of the application in the UKFSS portal in accordance with the instructions on the UKFSS, and within Section 2: Statement of requirements below. Failure to provide the information, or supply documentation required in the application will mean the application is not complete and will not be assessed.

14. To submit your application, you must also read and agree to the declarations in the application form.

15. The application and any documents accompanying it must be in English and submitted in accordance with this guidance. Costs must be submitted in pound sterling (£), inclusive of irrecoverable VAT.

Clarifications and further support sought by applicants

16. You are responsible for ensuring that you understand the requirements for this application process. If any information is unclear, you can raise a query via the Ask a Question function through the UK Fisheries Support System. Defra will not respond to communications made by other means.

17. To do this you must create an account through the UKFSS. We strongly encourage you to view the user guide video which will walk you through this process.

user guide video

18. Any questions must be submitted no later than the deadline for clarifications set out in the timetable. Defra shall be under no obligation to respond to queries raised after the clarification deadline.

19. Defra will respond to all clarifications through the UKFSS and as quickly as possible but cannot guarantee a minimum response time. Subject to paragraph 21, and if relevant to other applicants, Defra will share all clarifications through email updates, as and when necessary.

20. If you believe that a request for clarification is commercially sensitive or that publishing it would be detrimental to you, you should clearly state this when submitting the clarification request. However, if Defra considers that:

  • the clarification is not commercially sensitive or confidential
  • all applicants may benefit from its disclosure

Defra will inform you via the UKFSS, and you will have an opportunity to withdraw the request for clarification. If the request for clarification is not withdrawn within 48 hours of the notification, the clarification request and Defra’s response will be published to all applicants.

21. Defra may not respond to a request for clarification or publish such a request where Defra considers that the response may prejudice Defra’s commercial interests or be contrary to public interest. In such circumstances, Defra will inform you of its view.

22. If you require further guidance, you should request this through the Ask a Question service of the UKFSS where you can raise a new question and ask for pre-submission support. A member of the MMO’s grant team will contact you to arrange a one-to-one call.

23. This support will only be available between 14 December 2023 and 29 November 2024 (or until all funds for the trial have been allocated) as outlined in the timetable above and can only be provided to applicants who have not yet submitted their application.

Changes to or the withdrawal of applications

24. If you wish to change any details of your project or require an increase in your grant funding, you will need to contact the MMO. You may be required to make a new application.

25. You may withdraw your application at any time by contacting the MMO. Unless withdrawn, applications shall remain valid and open to acceptance by Defra in principle for 90 days from the deadline for applications.

26. Defra will not consider applications received after the deadline except in exceptional circumstances at Defra’s discretion. Defra may also, at its own discretion, change the deadline and in such circumstances, Defra will notify all applicants of any change via email. You can also be notified of any updates to the guidance by signing up to alerts on the UK Seafood Fund webpage.

Acceptance of applications

27. By issuing this guidance, communicating with you, Defra shall not be bound to accept any application or award any of the funding for which applications are invited. Defra reserves the right to withdraw or terminate funding at any time.

Costs of application

28. You shall bear your own costs and expenses incurred in the preparation and submission of your application, including the cost to submit the relevant forms to Maritime and Coastguard Agency (MCA) for approval, if required.

29. Defra will not be responsible or liable for those costs regardless of the outcome in relation to individual applications, even if Defra amends or terminates funding.

Clarifications sought by Defra

30. Defra reserves the right (but is not obliged) to seek clarification of any aspect of an application and/or provide additional information during the evaluation phase to carry out a fair assessment. Failure to respond in a timely manner and/or to provide an adequate response to such a request may result in rejection of the application.

31. The contents of this guidance and of any other documents or information published or provided by Defra in respect of this funding are provided on condition that they remain the property of Defra and are kept confidential (save in so far as they are already in the public domain). You shall take all necessary precautions to ensure that they remain confidential and not disclosed, save as described below.

32. You may disclose information relating to the grant application process to your advisers and sub-contractors in the following circumstances:

  • disclosure is for the purpose of enabling an application to be submitted and the recipient of the information undertakes in writing to keep it confidential on the same terms as you, the applicant
  • Defra gives prior consent to the disclosure
  • the disclosure is made for the purpose of obtaining legal advice in relation to the competition
  • you are legally required to disclose the information

33. No applicant will undertake any publicity activities with any part of the media in relation to this guidance without the prior agreement of Defra, including agreement on the format and content of any publicity. For example, no statements may be made to the media regarding the nature of any application, its contents or any proposals relating to it without the prior written consent of Defra.

34. All central government departments, their executive agencies and non-departmental public bodies are subject to control and reporting within the UK government. They report to the Cabinet Office and HM Treasury for all expenditure. We may also be required as part of our transparency obligations to publish details of any grants awarded to successful application on publicly available databases.

35. Defra may disclose within UK government any of your documents and information (including any that you consider confidential and/or commercially sensitive) provided in your application and throughout the evaluation of the project. The information will not be disclosed outside UK government during the application process. You consent to this disclosure as part of the application process.

Freedom of Information and Environmental Information Regulations

36. In accordance with the obligations and duties placed upon public authorities by the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) and the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR), which provide a public right of access to information held by public bodies, Defra may disclose information you have submitted as part of your application.

37. If you consider any information which you supply to be commercially sensitive or of a confidential nature, you should:

  • clearly identify such information as commercially sensitive
  • explain the potential implications of disclosure of such information
  • provide an estimate of the period during which the applicant believes that such information will remain commercially sensitive

38. Defra will endeavour to maintain confidentiality of information identified by an applicant as being confidential in nature and/or commercially sensitive. Pursuant to a request for this information under FOIA and/or EIR, Defra where practicable, will consult you before disclosure.

39. However, even where you identify information as being confidential or commercially sensitive, you acknowledge that there may be circumstances in which Defra may be required to disclose such information in accordance with the FOIA or the EIR (in addition to any other transparency obligations). In particular, Defra is required to form an independent judgment concerning whether the information is exempt from disclosure under the FOIA or the EIR and whether the public interest favours disclosure or not. Accordingly, Defar cannot guarantee that any information marked “confidential” or “commercially sensitive” will not be disclosed and accepts no liability for any loss or prejudice caused by the disclosure of information.

40. If you receive a request for information relating to this competition under the FOIA or the EIR during the competition, this should be passed immediately on to Defra and you should not attempt to answer the request without first consulting Defra.


41. Whilst the information in this guidance and any supporting information referred to herein or provided to applicants by Defra have been prepared in good faith, Defra does not warrant (expressly or impliedly) or represent that this information is comprehensive reasonable nor accurate, or that it has been independently verified.

42. Neither Defra (as the Authority), MMO (as the Administrator) nor its respective advisors, directors, officers, members, partners, employees, other staff or agents:

  • makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy, reasonableness, or completeness of the guidance or of any other written or oral communication transmitted (or otherwise made available) to any applicant
  • accepts any liability for the information contained in the guidance or any other written or oral communication (including any communications via the UK Fisheries Support System) transmitted (or otherwise made available) to any applicant, or for the fairness, accuracy, or completeness of that information
  • shall be liable for any loss or damage (other than in respect of fraudulent misrepresentation or any other liability which cannot lawfully be excluded) arising because of reliance on such information or any subsequent communication

Any party considering entering into an agreement with Defra following receipt of the guidance should make its own investigations and independent assessment of Defra and its requirements and should seek its own professional financial and legal advice.

43. Neither the issue of the guidance nor any of the information presented in it should be regarded as a commitment or representation on the part of Defra to enter into a grant funding agreement. Nothing in the guidance or in any other communication made between Defra and any other party, should be interpreted as constituting an agreement or representation between Defra and any other party (save for a formal award of grant funding) or as constituting an agreement or representation that grant funding shall be offered.

Applicant responsibilities

44. The project and any activities funded by this project must be in accordance with the United Kingdom fisheries legislation, including legislation retained in accordance with the European Union (Withdrawal) Act 2018, which require the landing of all catches as provided for in Article 15 of Regulation (EU) No 1380/2013; provide for a catch certificate scheme in Chapter III of Regulation (EC) No 1005/2008; and traceability requirements, including labelling systems to ensure reliable information for consumers, as provided for by Article 58 of the Regulation (EC) No 1224/2009 and Article 67(6) of Implementing Regulation (EU) No 404/2011.

45. All installation and/or modification work undertaken by the applicant on a vessel must meet MCA safety and stability requirements. Responsibility for any work undertaken which renders a vessel unstable or unsafe remains entirely with the owner of the vessel.

46. Further details on how you can ensure compliance with these responsibilities are set out in paragraphs 66.


47. Any applicant which directly or indirectly canvasses any officer, member, employee, or agent of Defra or its members or any other relevant body or any of its officers or members concerning the agreement or this application process or who directly or indirectly obtains or attempts to obtain information from any such officer, member, employee, or agent concerning any other applicant, application or proposed application will be excluded from this competition and its application rejected.

48. You shall not contact any other employee, agent or consultant of Defra who is in any way connected with the project during this application process, unless instructed otherwise by Defra.

Conflicts of interest

49. The concept of a conflict of interest includes any situation where relevant staff members of Defra, involved in this grant application process have, directly or indirectly, a financial, economic, or other personal interest which might be perceived to compromise their impartiality and independence in the context of the grant application process and/or affect the integrity of the grant agreement.

50. Where you are aware of any circumstances giving rise to a conflict of interest or if you have any indication that a conflict of interest exists or may arise you should inform the MMO of this as soon as possible (whether before or after submission of an application). You should remain alert to the possibility of conflicts of interest arising at all stages of the grant application process and you should update the MMO if any new circumstances or information arises, or there are any changes to information already provided to the MMO. Failure to do so, and/or to manage properly any conflicts of interest may result in rejection of an application.

Changes to an applicant’s circumstances

51. Defra may:

  • reject an application where there is a change of identity, control, financial standing, or other factor which may affect Defra’s evaluation of the application
  • revisit information contained in an application at any time to take account of subsequent changes to an applicant’s circumstances
  • at any point during the application process, require you to certify there has been no material change to information submitted in its application and in the absence of such certificate, reject the application

Section 2: Statement of requirements


52. This section outlines the project requirements for improvements to vessels under this Grant: “Improvements to vessels, at ports and in health, safety and wellbeing”.

53. This round will support modifications to vessels that reduce fuel use or emissions.

54. This funding round will be administered by the MMO, who will assess applications against the eligibility requirements. Final decisions about funding will be made by Defra.

55. The completion date for all funded projects is 31 March 2025. You cannot claim for any costs incurred after 31 March 2025.


56. The objectives of this round of funding draw on wider UKSF objectives to:

  • contribute to levelling-up to support and develop coastal communities
  • contribute to the government’s targets on Net Zero by investing in projects that aim to reduce fuel use and carbon emissions over time
  • gather data and evidence to inform how UK commercial vessels can become more sustainable and efficient, safer and more reliable, whilst using less fuel and emitting fewer greenhouse gas emissions
  • encourage new entrants to the industry and upskill the existing workforce

Who can apply

57. You can apply for funding if you are:

  • a fishing business engaged in commercial fishing (including Small Scale Coastal Fleet organisations, micro-entities, SMEs and larger businesses)
  • producer organisations, public bodies, fishermen’s associations and cooperatives working in the seafood sector

58. You must secure match funding to be eligible to receive a grant under this round, as set out in paragraphs 87 to 92.

59. The MMO will check this as part of the eligibility assessment. Any application not adhering to the requirements above may be declined funded.

60. The following applicants will not be eligible for funding through this scheme:

  • applicants involved in recreational fishing (meaning not commercial fishing, as defined above)
  • applicants who have been convicted of fraud under any fisheries scheme
  • applicants who have been convicted of an offence that the MMO considers to be a ‘serious infringement or fraud’, in the 12 months before applying
  • applicants who have committed a serious violation of conservation or management measures within the preceding 12 months
  • applicants who are listed by the flag state, the subsidising party, the food and agricultural organisation (FAO) or a relevant Regional Fisheries Management Organisation, or Arrangement for illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing in accordance with the rules and procedures of that state, party, organisation, or arrangement and in conformity with international law

Projects that can be funded

61. Until funding is exhausted, Defra expect to fund the following types of projects. The following list is not exhaustive and interested applicants are encouraged to contact the MMO via the UKFSS if they have any questions regarding eligibility.

Improvements to vessels that reduce fuel use or emissions, including:

  • investments that are aimed at the reduction of energy consumption, including audits of the vessel and recommended changes
  • investments to improve the hydrodynamics of the hulls of vessels, for example:
    • investments in stability mechanisms such as bilge keels and bulbous bows that contribute to improved hydrodynamics
    • costs related to the use of non-toxic antifouling such as copper coating in order to reduce friction
    • tank testing in order to provide a basis for improving hydrodynamics
    • energy efficient propellers including drive shafts
  • investments to improve the propulsion system of the vessel, costs related to the purchase and, if necessary, the installation of relevant items such as:
    • catalysers
    • energy efficient generators such as those using hydrogen or natural gas. Bow thrusters
    • econometers, fuel management systems and monitoring systems such as fuel flow meters
  • more sustainable gear that enables the vessel to move with greater energy efficiency such as:
    • net light weighting
    • flying / off-bottom trawl doors
    • coverless trawls
    • sumwings
  • investments to encourage the re-cycling of heat within the vessel involving the heat being recovered and re-used for other auxiliary purposes within the vessel

Projects that will not be funded

62. You cannot get funding for:

  • work that you complete yourself - you must purchase a product or service from a third party
  • statutory or mandatory undertakings – items and services that are statutory or mandatory requirements of law and bylaws cannot be funded
  • anything that negatively affect fish stocks that are in an overfished condition
  • activities that would negatively affect the exploitation of fish stocks
  • operations that increase the fishing capacity of a fishing vessel, or for equipment that increases the ability of a fishing vessel to find fish, except where they meet legitimate public policy goals, such as improved safety or sustainability
  • fishing for fish stocks managed by a Regional Fisheries Management Organisation or Arrangement to which the UK is not a member or cooperating non-member of the Organisation or Arrangement
  • fishing or fishing-related activities conducted without the permission of the flag state where required and, if operating in another state’s waters, without permission of that state
  • increasing the capacity of fish holds
  • carrying out exploratory fishing
  • pulse trawling
  • the same type of equipment for the same vessel if you have already received support through a publicly funded grant scheme
  • the construction of new ports, new landing sites or new auction halls
  • costs relating to basic hull maintenance
  • new gear to vessels where there are no significant savings/improvements to energy efficiency
  • improvements that increase a vessels capacity or ability to catch fish
  • gear which would have a negative effect on the sustainability of the marine environment
  • any machines directly related to the fishing operations and assist the activity of fishing
  • any project that increases the vessel’s ability to catch fish (including but not limited to sonar and chart plotters)
  • projects that increase the power output in kW of the main propulsion engine of the fishing vessel
  • projects that increase the size or capacity of fish rooms

63. You should also be aware that if you are awarded a grant, there are some special conditions on the payment of and recoverability of grant funding as follows:

  • if you are an owner of a fishing vessel, or supporting one through your project, that vessel shall not be transferred outside the United Kingdom during at least the 5 years following the date of actual payment of that funding to you. If a vessel is transferred within that timeframe, sums unduly paid in respect of the project shall be recovered by Defra, in an amount proportionate to the period during which the condition set out in the first sentence of this paragraph has not been fulfilled
  • if you are an owner of a fishing vessel, or supporting one through your project, and the vessel is repurposed, sold or transferred within the United Kingdom during at least the 5 years following the date of actual payment of that funding to you, you must make the MMO aware. If there is a new owner of the vessel, they must accept the terms and conditions of this offer of funding. If the new owner does not accept the terms and conditions of this offer of funding, then you as the applicant may be required to re-pay all or some of the funding paid to you
  • all installation and/or modification work undertaken by the lead applicant must meet MCA safety and stability requirements, whether funded by the UKSF or otherwise. Responsibility for any work undertaken which renders a vessel unstable or unsafe remains entirely with the applicant

Duplicate funding

64. Applicants will be required to declare if they have received, been awarded, or applied for funding from other sources including government and non-government financial support schemes for any part of their proposed project.

65. Defra will ask Devolved Administrations and the MMO to verify that proposals are not already funded through other publicly funded grant schemes. Applications will be rejected if a proposal duplicates funding already in place via another source.

What you need to do before you apply to UKSF

66. Before you apply for the UKSF, you must contact a Marine Office, preferably your local office, to get advice about your project and possible implications for the safety and stability for your vessel and so you are aware of the forms you will need to submit to the MCA.

67. You must submit the relevant forms to MCA for approval, which may include a cost. You cannot claim this money back as part of your UKSF application.

68. You are required to upload a copy of email confirmation that you have engaged with MCA as part of the online application process.

What to include in your application

Part One – Registration on UKFSS

69. You must register and start an application on the UKFSS. All online fields and pages must be completed, and the documents requested below must be uploaded before you submit your Application. Please read the information on the UK Seafood Fund: Infrastructure Scheme webpage and watch the user guide video before applying.

Part Two – Application form

70. You must complete this application form.

71. If your project covers more than one project type (from other guidance published under this round), you will need to fill in more than one application form and the minimum cost of the project will be based on the lowest cap.

72. After completion you must upload it and any supporting evidence to your application at page 10 in your UKFSS account. You must confirm that you:

  • are engaged in commercial fishing, by uploading a copy of a valid licence and confirmation that you sell your catch
  • comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 by providing a modern slavery statement (if you have an annual turnover of £36 million or more) and, if available, a Modern Slavery policy
  • have, or can commit to obtain, prior to the commencement of the approved project, the levels of insurance cover required by the country you are based in and operating within to deliver your proposed project by law
  • have a Health and Safety Policy that complies with current legislative requirements and that the staff understand and adhere to
  • have engaged with the MCA by providing email confirmation and that you agree to submit all the relevant forms required by the MCA for your project

Other documents you must submit

73. In addition to the documents listed above, you must submit the following. Failure to submit these documents, if applicable, will result in your application being rejected:

  • if you are a sole trader, copies of photographic identification documents (driving licence or passport) or 2 recent utility bills
  • evidence of match funding commitment: this is expected to be in the form of a letter or email from the contributor confirming their intent to provide the stated amount, signed by persons authorised to do so
  • certification of registry of your vessel (front and back)


74. While the overall total cost of your project may be significantly higher, please be aware that the level of funding that we will provide will be between £65,000 and £200,000.

75. If your project covers more than one project type (from other guidance published under this round), you will need to fill in more than one application form and the minimum cost of the project will be based on the lowest cap.

76. Requests for funding outside of these thresholds will not be considered.

77. The round will not fund activities already carried out or items already purchased. Only work taking place or items purchased after the grant agreement is issued and in effect (the commencement date) are eligible to be funded through this grant.

‘Funded by UK Government’ branding

78. If your application is successful, and if applicable in making any published reference to this scheme, you will be required to follow the ‘Funded by the UK Government’ branding manual at all times during and following the end of the Funding Period.


79. To support your application you must provide quotes for all goods and services that are part of your project to verify the costs and to demonstrate value for money.

80. Individual items with a value (excluding VAT) of:

  • up to and including £1,500 one quote is required
  • over £1,500 and up to and including £5,000, two quotes required
  • over £5,000 and up to and including £60,000, three quotes required
  • over £60,000, at least three quotes or evidence of tender including:
    • a detailed specification of the works to be undertaken
    • evidence of the scoring used to select the company
    • a suitable rationale for the decision to select the chosen company
    • the full winning tender submission

81. Quotes supplied must include:

  • a detailed and itemised breakdown of costs
  • the supplier’s address, phone number and a contact name
  • the supplier’s VAT number, if they are VAT registered and they have included VAT on the quote
  • the supplier’s company registration number, if they are a limited company
  • date of quote

82. Quotes should be provided in one of the following formats:

  • email quotes that show the email trail (where applicable) from supplier to applicant
  • a scanned copy of the original signed quote
  • electronic copies/scanned images of publicly accessible catalogues or websites which contain the specification of the item

83. The quotes and tenders you submit must:

  • come from suppliers that trade independently of each other and do not share any ownership
  • come from companies that are independent of yourself, and not from suppliers that you are related to or that your business is linked to
  • be from the last 3 months and be valid
  • be comparable in terms of the quality, size, quantity and type of product if you are using multiple quotes to show you will get value for money when buying a product

84. You must make sure that the companies who quote for items or services for your project know that it is being submitted as part of an application for funding under the scheme. They must consent to their information being shared as part of your application.

85. Any financial data provided must be submitted in pound sterling (£), inclusive of irrecoverable VAT. Where official documents include financial data in a foreign currency, a sterling equivalent must be provided, calculated at the exchange rate at the time you submit the application.

86. The total project cost template sets out the minimum cost information required for the Application. The MMO will provide this after an application has been processed.

Match funding

87. You must secure match funding to be eligible to receive a grant under this round.

88. Evidence of this match funding commitment is required as part of the online application. This is expected to be in the form of a letter from the contributor confirming their intent to provide the stated amount, signed by persons authorised to do so.

89. Match funding must be in the form of a fiscal contribution. In-kind contributions, such as staff time, assets, or the use of existing equipment, is not considered to be match funding. You may wish to seek independent financial advice before committing any private resources.

90. You cannot match fund your project through public funding unless you are a publicly funded body and using your own revenue or reserves.

91. The level of match funding provided by you will depend on the type of organisation applying:

  • small scale coastal fleet organisations, micro-entities, public bodies, trust ports, producer organisations, fishermen’s associations and cooperatives can receive up to 80% funding
  • small or medium-sized enterprises can receive up to 50% funding
  • all other private applicants can receive up to 30% funding

92. If you want to apply for more than one project in round 3, contact MMO before applying.


93. Payments under this scheme are subject to relevant subsidy control principles where applicable including the Subsidy Control Act, the World Trade Organization Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures and Article 10(2) of the Northern Ireland Protocol.

94. For further information about subsidies please visit the following links:

95. All awards given under this scheme will comply with the Subsidy Control Act. Grant recipients must ensure that the delivery of the Funded Activities does not put Defra in breach of the UK’s domestic obligations under the Subsidy Control Act or international obligations in respect of subsidies.

96. Any awards will be uploaded to the Subsidy Control Database within 3 months of the grant being given. The name of the recipient, a unique identification number (charity number, VAT number or company registration number) the size of the business and the region that the recipient is based will be uploaded, alongside the policy rationale and purpose of the subsidy. Recipients will need to agree for this information to be made public for transparency purposes.

97. Subsidies will not be granted under this scheme:

  • for fishing that negatively affect fish stocks that are in an overfished condition
  • for the transfer of fishing vessels from England to other states, including through the creation of joint enterprises
  • for operations that increase the fishing capacity of a fishing vessel, or for equipment that increases the ability of a fishing vessel to find fish, except where they meet legitimate public policy goals such as improved safety or sustainability
  • for fishing for fish stocks managed by a Regional Fisheries Management Organisation or Arrangement to which the UK is not a member or cooperating non-member of the Organisation or Arrangement
  • for fishing or fishing-related activities conducted without the permission of the flag state where required and, if operating in another state’s waters, without permission of that state
  • to any fishing vessel or operator while listed by the flag state, the subsidising party, the FAO or a relevant Regional Fisheries Management Organisation, or Arrangement for IUU fishing in accordance with the rules and procedures of that state, party, organisation, or arrangement and in conformity with international law; or to any vessel or operator that has been found to have committed a serious violation of conservation or management measures within the preceding 12 months

Section 3: Assessment of applications


98. Once you have submitted your application via the UK Fisheries Support System and uploaded all required documents, your application will be assessed on a first come first served basis.

99. The application will only be considered complete and placed in line for assessment, when all the necessary elements have been received by the MMO. Any missing information identified must be provided within the specific time frame set out by the MMO when requested.

100. The application form can be accessed through the UK Seafood Fund webpage. We will assess your applications to make sure:

  • required sections of the application have been completed and that the correct information has been provided
  • application passes the general eligibility checks, financial checks, and the questions in the application form, which operate on a pass/fail basis
  • each application will need to demonstrate through the application form how their project conforms to four key criteria:
    • aim: This criterion assesses strategic fit and to what extent the project will target and deliver the intended benefits
    • impact: This criterion assesses the expected impact of the project based on the likelihood that the project will make a significant difference to relevant results indicators
    • deliverability: This criterion assesses the likelihood that the project will be delivered as expected and on time
    • value for money: This criterion assesses the extent to which project costs are appropriate relative to typical costs for this type of project
  • for applications with a project value (the total cost of the project itself, including your match funding) of £150,000 or more you will be required to submit a business case as part of your application, which will be assessed by a panel of experts to provide additional scrutiny. The MMO will provide you with the template to fill in

101. If you and/or your applications fail any of the questions or if information requested is not provided, your application will be deemed ineligible.

102. We will check all applications for fraudulent information as part of our standard due diligence responsibilities. Defra, the MMO and, if required, MCA will work together to ensure the relevant checks, advice and paperwork has been completed.

103. You must declare what, if any, government funding you have received in connection with the proposed project.

Notification of award

104. Defra will notify successful and unsuccessful applicants via the UKFSS of the outcome of their application.

105. We expect this to be within 8 weeks for applications under £150,000, and within 12 weeks for applications of £150,000 or more. Please account for the time required by the MMO and Defra to assess applications in your own project plan.

If successful

106. You will receive a grant funding agreement to enter into and will agree the commencement and claim date with the MMO in accordance with the timeframes set out in your Application.

If unsuccessful

107. If your application is unsuccessful, you will be notified by email. You can make a complaint if you believe an administrative or factual error was made in the way your application was handled. Please provide any evidence you have of the error. Any complaints should be submitted via the Ask a Question page on the UKFSS.

108. An unsuccessful application does not prevent you applying to the scheme again in this round (or in another round if offered).

Salary costs

109. Staff costs are not considered eligible costs for this round of funding.

Inspections to identify fraud

110. The MMO or Defra may inspect your project before work has started, during works, or after the completion of the project.

Claiming your funding

111. All funding will need to be claimed in arrears. Claims can only be made once costs have been incurred and the related works completed.

112. You can claim for eligible costs that are incurred up to and including the project’s end date. You are required to submit your final claim within two months of your project’s end date. You cannot claim for any costs incurred after 31 March 2025.

113. To support a claim the applicant will need to submit:

  • original dated invoices showing the amount of money paid for each product or service (email invoices can be accepted but they must show the email trail from the supplier to you)
  • proof of payment (this should be a bank statement clearly showing the transaction between your bank account and the supplier - any unrelated transactions can be redacted) - payment for items made from a bank account not connected to you will not be acceptable

114. A site visit may be arranged prior or post the claim process. These will be randomly selected.

115. We may decline to pay all or part of the funding if the information on the invoices is believed to be inaccurate, or if the products or services in the claim do not match what was approved in your grant award.

116. No grant funding will be paid out for work or activities purchased before the funding start date which will be taken as the commencement date of the grant agreement.

Spending at risk

117. We will consider allowing applicants to spend their match funding ‘at risk’ ahead of grant award by exception and on a case-by-case basis. To do this, you must send a request in writing to Defra will review your request and respond in writing to inform you of the outcome.

118. Your request should demonstrate:

  • how much you would like to spend before the grant funding agreements are issued
  • that any “pre-spend” will be taken entirely from your match funding
  • why it is essential to commit the spend before the grant funding agreements are issued
  • why this is good value for money

119. Any “pre-spend” will be considered part of your match funding and you will not be able to claim this money back as part of your grant funding.

120. Any “pre-spend” would also be committed to entirely at your (the applicant’s) risk and does not mean you are guaranteed grant funding.

Section 4: Applicant monitoring and evaluation of projects


121. The grant recipient will be required to engage in monitoring and evaluation of the project.

122. You are required to submit data on a quarterly basis once the project has completed directly to Defra via an online survey, the “UK Seafood Fund: Fleet Modernisation Survey”.

123. The survey will ask for information about your fuel use, estimated time and distances travelled in your vessel and landings information after your vessel has been modified. You are required to record this information for each 4 week period over a 12 month period after your vessel has been modified.

124. To support ongoing policy development, you also agree:

  • at the request of Defra or the MMO, to participate in relevant economic and scientific surveys including, but not limited to, the annual Seafish UK Fishing Fleet Survey
  • to provide additional data if requested by the MMO
  • that information provided through the surveys, as well and other vessel/activity information, including contact details, held by the MMO will be shared with Defra, the Seafish Industry Authority (Seafish) and the Risk and Policy Analysts to inform policy design and improve understanding on the economic performance of the UK fishing fleet

125. You must retain all original project-related documents for 5 years from the date of the final payment. At any time up to that date auditors may wish to inspect any or all original documentation, including, amongst other things, order forms and delivery notes for equipment; estimates and quotations; statements and invoices; relevant books of account; drawings, plans and technical specifications. You are required, if requested, to permit access to your vessel or port during this time.

126. By applying to the scheme, you agree that the information you provide in your application may be used by Defra or its contractors to evaluate the scheme and anonymised, non-personal data and information about your project shared with other government departments to further policy development to support the seafood sector and coastal communities.

127. For further information on how your application information will be used please see the scheme Privacy Notice.

Further assistance

128. For any further assistance consult the user guide video or ‘Ask a Question’ service on the UKFSS. For any technical issues you can contact the MMO’s grants team by calling 03300 416 579.

Section 5: Application documents

Application form - vessel improvements

Terms and conditions