Initial application to market in the EU organic products from third countries
Complete this form to gain your organic import authorisation from Defra.
In assessing your OB11 application Defra will ensure that the organic products being imported into the UK from a third country are certified by an organic inspection/control body that meets the requirements of IS065/EN45011 and is recognised by Defra or other EU member states for their work. Defra will want to see evidence, largely in the form of operators’ certificates, that standards equivalent to Council Regulation (EC) No 834/2007 have been applied at all stages.
The OB11 application can be completed by the third country’s inspection body on your behalf. Applications where the importer has sought the help of the third country inspection body tend to be more successful. Defra will assess the OB11 within ten working days. It’s important to note that products shouldn’t be imported from non-equivalent third countries before an import authorisation has been secured.
Your authorisation must be renewed annually.