Policy paper

Market review of initial teacher training (ITT)

Information for initial teacher training providers about the government's market review of initial teacher training (ITT).

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

Applies to England



This document explains the focus of the ITT market review, including details of the expert advisory group supporting this work.

Updates to this page

Published 2 January 2021
Last updated 29 September 2022 show all updates
  1. The results of the 2022 accreditation rounds and the dates of the next accreditation round have been added to the accreditation section. A new role has been added for one of the members of the expert advisory group.

  2. Updated 'Report and consultation' section of the overview to highlight that an additional ITT reform document has been added to the consultation response.

  3. Removed information about provider information sessions from the 'Accreditation' section.

  4. Updated with details of the government's response to the public consultation, and the accreditation process for providers offering ITT that leads to qualified teacher status from 2024.

  5. Updated to reflect the fact that the consultation has now closed.

  6. Updated to include the progress of the review and added links to the final report from the expert advisory group and the public consultation.

  7. First published.

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