NDA responds to stakeholder feedback on its pre-consultation draft strategy
Summary of responses to engagement on the early version of our Draft Strategy published in 2015. The report also includes NDA response to comments.
The Energy Act 2004 requires the Nuclear Decommissioning Authority (NDA) to review, update and consult on its strategy every 5 years.
The timing of the 2016 formal consultation on our Draft Strategy ensures that this document is informed by the outcome of the government’s spending review.
An earlier draft strategy document, published in September 2015, gave stakeholders the opportunity to provide their input whilst we completed our review. We sought any general observations as well as focusing the engagement on: “Are we asking the right questions?”
NDA arranged a number of engagement events involving Site Stakeholder Groups (SSGs), local authorities and employees at our sites.
In January 2016, we published a summary of comments received along with NDA’s response where appropriate.