
New dedicated mailbox to help with insolvency-related customs queries — insolvency practitioner bulletin 9 (2021)

Published 31 January 2025

This bulletin has been published for information purposes only, HMRC cannot guarantee the accuracy of the content.

As part of HMRC’s work to improve the customer journey for insolvency practitioners, we’re introducing a dedicated account manager for insolvency related customs queries.

The account manager will:

  • resolve current issues and manage them through to completion
  • give customs advice for complex processes and authorisations
  • provide an escalation route for unexpected issues, through a dedicated mailbox
  • call insolvency practitioners to communicate updates and discuss any issues
  • escalate issues and work to fill any gaps in guidance
  • provide advice in advance of any future changes
  • be the route for escalating customs related complaints
  • intervene when insolvency practitioners are experiencing difficulties with their normal contact routes into customs operational teams

What we need you to do

Queries should be emailed to:

The email should include ‘Insolvency’ in the header.

The mailbox will launch from Monday 15 November 2021.

If you have any questions about this insolvency bulletin, could you please direct them to R3 or your representative group who will take them forward with HMRC.