Inspecting initial training for the Armed Forces
Ofsted guidance for inspectors about how to inspect initial training for the UK Armed Forces relating to welfare and duty of care.
Ofsted inspects the measures taken to secure the care and welfare of recruits and trainees undergoing initial training in the UK Armed Forces. This applies to all phase 1 and phase 2 initial training in the UK and overseas.
This handbook is a guide for inspectors on how to carry out inspections of Armed Forces training establishments, or of units that provide training within operational military establishments.
The guidance is based on the education inspection framework as it applies to further education and skills, where possible. It is contextualised for the inspection of care and welfare in MoD Armed Forces initial training.
Inspections are commissioned by the Minister of State for the Armed Forces and administered through the Chief of Defence People’s Talent, Skills, Learning and Development (TSLD) at the Ministry of Defence (MoD).
Updates to this page
Updated for clarity throughout, with updates to the inspection process and grade descriptors.
Updated for clarity throughout, with updates to the grade descriptors.
Updated with details of the education inspection framework (EIF).
First published.