
Inspecting secure training centres: framework

The framework and evaluation schedule for inspection of secure training centres, for use from April 2019.

Applies to England


Annex A: Request for information - full inspection of a secure training centre

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Annex A: Request for information - full inspection of a secure training centre

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Annex C: CQC requirement letter


The framework sets out how Ofsted, together with His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons and the Care Quality Commission, will inspect secure training centres. This framework came into force in April 2019.

We carried out assurance visits of secure training centres from September 2020 until March 2021. View archived guidance on these assurance visits.

Updates to this page

Published 7 February 2014
Last updated 21 October 2024 show all updates
  1. We have clarified the process to raise concerns or complaints during and after an inspection. We have made minor changes to the evaluation criteria and on-site inspection sections to reference non-speaking children.

  2. This framework has been updated to clarify that, when applying the handbook, inspectors will take appropriate action to comply with Ofsted’s Equality Act duties, clarification on the opportunities for the centre to discuss and/or provide information on potential equalities duties, including reasonable adjustments for individuals, clarification regarding Ofsted’s updated arrangements for publishing the report, quality assurance and handling concerns and complaints in line with Ofsted’s new complaints process in the timeframe sections and references to Ofsted’s pausing process. Updated the Annex A.

  3. Additional guidance on deferring an inspection, inspector conduct during inspections, when and how the provider can raise issues, concerns or complaints during and after the inspection, supporting the well-being of the provider’s managers and staff during inspections and visits, attendance at keeping in touch meetings, discussions with staff and feedback meetings and who the provider may share provisional and final inspection outcomes with.

  4. Education evaluation criteria updated to make the link between the education inspection framework and the secure training centres framework clearer.

  5. Joint inspection framework updated to reflect the introduction of assurance inspections. We have also revised the Annex A form.

  6. Updated to clarify the urgent notification process.

  7. Removed guidance on assurance visits as these are no longer taking place. We have revised the secure training centres framework to take the 2019 education inspection framework into account and updated the timeline so there is a shorter timescale to report publication. We have also revised the Annex A form.

  8. Added guidance on assurance visits that Ofsted will carry out from 1 September 2020 and updated letter requesting information for visits.

  9. Revised the secure training centre framework following a consultation in July to August 2018 and added a model letter and request for information. Inspectors will begin using this on 1 April 2019.

  10. Youth Justice Board references updated to Youth Custody Service. New paragraph 22 confirms inspectors follow the HMIP urgent notification process where necessary.

  11. Slight amendments to paragraph 6 on page 3 (clarifying regulatory responsibilities) and paragraph 12 on page 4 (about communication with young people, including individual meetings).

  12. Paragraph 6 revised for clarity; footnote 5 updated with new link.

  13. Framework for use from September 2015 published

  14. First published.

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