Inspection of oil platforms
Freedom of information request response regarding inspection of oil platform data.
Freedom of information request response regarding inspection of oil platform data, specifically:
The Policies which are relevant for the purposes of DECC determining, whether, when and how frequently a fixed, oil producing platform in the central or northern sectors of the North Sea should be subject to inspection by DECC;
DECC’s implementation of, or reliance on, any of the policies covered by the request detailed above;
Details of any circumstances in which (by way of reliance on any relevant policy or otherwise) DECC will consider, or has in the past pursued, any departure from such policy(ies); and
Details of the number of inspections carried out within the last five (5) years immediately preceding the date of this request of platforms of the type and nature described at section 1, together with the reasons for any such inspections and the dates of such inspections, and the number of inspectors attending and the duration of each offshore inspection.