Inspection report on Home Office country of origin information, Iraq and Myanmar (Burma) January 2023.
This report covers reviews of country information on Iraq and Myanmar that were considered by the IAGCI at its January 2023 meeting.
The two reviews focussed on specific topics from within that country:
- Country policy and information note, Iraq: humanitarian situation (August 2022)
- Country policy and information note, Iraq: opposition to the government in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq (KRI) (June 2021)
- Country policy and information note, Iraq: internal relocation, civil documentation and returns (July 2022) • Ten COIRs on conditions in Iraq
- Country policy and information note, Myanmar (Burma): critics of the military regime (July 2022)
- Country policy and information note, Burma: Rohingya (including Rohingya in Bangladesh) (March 2019)
- Four COIRs on conditions in Myanmar (Burma