Research and analysis

Report on the Independent Schools Inspectorate’s inspections of British schools overseas (BSO) in 2023/24

Updated 3 March 2025

Letter to the Rt Hon. Bridget Phillipson MP

28 February 2025

The Rt Hon. Bridget Phillipson MP
Secretary of State for Education
Department for Education
Sanctuary Buildings
Great Smith Street

Report on the Independent Schools Inspectorate’s inspections of British schools overseas (BSO) in 2023/24

In February 2024, the Department for Education (DfE) commissioned Ofsted to carry out a programme of monitoring work of each of the three approved British schools overseas (BSO) inspectorates. The DfE wanted us to evaluate the extent to which each inspectorate meets the standards for inspectorates.

I am pleased to attach my report on the work of the Independent Schools Inspectorate. This report sets out the extent of Ofsted’s monitoring activity and any judgements we have reached. We last published a report covering all the BSO inspectorates in the 2018/19 academic year. No judgements were reached about the quality of the inspectorates’ work at that time. This was because the DfE only commissioned us to carry out a limited amount of quality assurance work.

This year, the DfE commissioned us to carry out a broader range of monitoring activity. His Majesty’s Inspectors (HMI) made an on-site quality assurance visit to one BSO inspection from each inspectorate and reviewed four full evidence bases and reports. They also met representatives from each inspectorate to discuss their quality assurance and recruitment arrangements. This has given them enough evidence to reach a judgement about the quality of each inspectorate’s work. We have explained these judgements fully in the attached report.

Yours sincerely

Sir Martyn Oliver
His Majesty’s Chief Inspector

Letter to Vanessa Ward

28 February 2025

Vanessa Ward
Chief Inspector
Independent Schools Inspectorate
Cap House
9–12 Long Lane

Report on the Independent Schools Inspectorate’s inspections of British schools overseas (BSO) in 2023/24

Please find enclosed a copy of the report on the inspection work of the Independent Schools Inspectorate for the academic year 2023/24, which I have today sent to the Secretary of State for Education, the Rt Hon. Bridget Phillipson MP. The report will also be published on Ofsted’s website.

Thank you for the work you and your colleagues have done to facilitate Ofsted’s quality assurance work over the last academic year.

Yours sincerely

Sir Martyn Oliver
His Majesty’s Chief Inspector

Report on the British schools overseas (BSO) inspection work by the Independent Schools Inspectorate for the academic year 2023/24


The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is approved by the Department for Education (DfE) to inspect British schools overseas (BSO) to see if they meet the BSO standards. BSO is a voluntary scheme established in 2010. Schools that apply to join it must evidence that they meet standards that are comparable to the English independent school standards and the national minimum standards for boarding schools. Schools must be inspected successfully at least every 3 years to maintain their accreditation. There are 3 approved inspectorates, and schools can choose which of these they want to carry out their accreditation inspection.

Each BSO inspectorate is expected to meet the DfE’s standards for inspectorates.

These standards set out the technical proficiency, independence and objectivity that the inspectorates must demonstrate at all times. This report sets out the extent to which ISI meets these standards.

This report relates solely to ISI’s inspection of British schools overseas. My annual report of ISI’s inspection of association independent schools was published on 29 November 2024.

ISI inspection activity for 2023/24

In the academic year 2023/24, ISI carried out 13 BSO inspections. This included schools in 11 different countries.

Ofsted’s monitoring activity

The DfE commissioned Ofsted to carry out one on-site monitoring visit and to review ISI’s inspection evidence and reports from a further 4 inspections. The on-site monitoring visit took place in December 2019. This was before the COVID-19 pandemic, which caused the other monitoring activities at that time to be postponed. The DfE decided that the outcomes of the 2019 monitoring visit should be included in this current evaluation of ISI’s work.

Key findings

His Majesty’s Inspectors’ (HMI) judgement is that ISI meets the standards required of BSO inspectorates in full.

  • Lead and team inspectors demonstrate an appropriate level of knowledge and understanding of BSO schools, both in their curriculums and in the standards they are expected to meet. Inspectors follow ISI’s code of conduct and receive positive feedback from the schools they inspect.
  • Lead inspectors ensure inspection quality by checking on the depth and rigour of inspection evidence on site. These arrangements are further strengthened through a central quality assurance system led by ISI’s senior inspectors. Evidence bases are thorough and detailed and fully support the judgements recorded in inspection reports.
  • Inspectors are trained and supported well. This leads to high-quality inspection practice.
  • ISI’s inspections of safeguarding in BSO schools are thorough and accurate.
  • Inspection reports are factual and informative. They provide clear recommendations for leaders and judgements align with the criteria issued by ISI in its inspection framework.
  • HMI noted that, on some occasions, inspectors recorded less detail relating to special educational needs and/or disabilities compared to other aspects of provision.