Insurance guidance for PFI projects
The IPA is pleased to introduce this Guidance Note on the Insurance Premium Risk Sharing mechanism in PFI Projects. This note has been developed by the Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) to provide greater clarity for parties to PFI contracts with Insurance Premium Risk Sharing Schedules (IPRSS).
The Infrastructure and Projects Authority (IPA) is the government’s centre of expertise for infrastructure and private finance projects.
This practical guidance note provides advice and a recommended report template for all parties involved in the regular review of insurance costs in PFI contracts to use.
Contractors, insurance brokers and public sector contract managers should use this guidance to improve the efficiency and quality of the Insurance Premium Risk Sharing Schedule (IPRSS) exercises, which have been of variable quality in the past.
This note will help avoid and resolve any disputes which arise and which waste the parties’ precious resources.
Contributions from representative stakeholders, together with input from expert legal advisers and insurance consultants, ensures this note is balanced and, importantly, follows the principles of the IPRSS standardised drafting and guidance contained in Standardisation of PFI Contracts (SoPC).