Promotional material
External organisations' tools, resources and publications on integrated care
Published 20 July 2015
Applies to England
1. Tools and resources
- National Voices/think local act personal A common definition for person-centred, co-ordinated care (easy-read version) - this is written from the perspective of the patient and service user that Monitor is signed up to.
- Local Government Association (and partners) Integrated care value case toolkit - this toolkit enables health and wellbeing boards, and local partners to understand the evidence and impact of different integrated care models on service users.
- Better Care Fund pack for integrated care - provides support and resources for developing Better Care Fund plans and other useful information about integrated care.
- NHS Improving Quality House of Care Toolkit - this describes 4 key interdependent components that, if implemented together, will achieve patient-centred, co-ordinated service for people living with long term conditions and their carers.
- North West London, Whole Systems Integrated Care Toolkit – this is intended to support communities, people and partners as they work towards the shared vision of integrated care. The toolkit is the culmination of over 200 individuals and organisations across North West London.
- Webinar: Aligning strategies across local care economies.
2. Publications
- Public Health England: Health and care integration: making the case from a public health perspective - explains the role of public health in supporting local areas to maintain a focus on integration that keeps people well.
- Integrated Care and Support: our shared commitment – a framework from the ‘National Collaboration for Integrated Care and Support’ outlining ways to improve health and social care integration.
- Integrated care and support resource sheet (requires Knowledge Hub registration) - advice on how to achieve integration successfully within local health and care economies.
- Integration - a report from the NHS Future Forum - sets out a series of recommendations to improve the quality of patient care and achieve better outcomes.