Intellectual property rights in Brazil
Guidance on general intellectual property rights and how to apply these principles in Brazilian markets.
Links for business
Intellectual Property Office (IPO) representative - since August 2012 the IPO has based an attaché in in Brazil, working with representatives from the the Department for Business and Trade (DBT) and the Foreign and Commonwealth Office. The position is central to the government’s plans to enhance trade relations and to support IP and innovation-led businesses abroad.
British businesses looking for access to intellectual property advice and support should email our attaché Angelica Garcia, based in the Consulate General, Sao Paulo.
UK diplomatic posts - there is a British Embassy in Brasilia, Consulates-General in Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, and Commercial Offices in Porto Alegre and Recife. They cannot intervene with Brazilian legal or administrative processes, but they may be able to keep a watching brief when cases are brought to Brazilian courts, or lobby on your behalf if progress is slow.
Find out about the work and services of UK diplomatic posts in Brazil on the UK and Brazil pages.
British Chambers of Commerce (Britcham) - have branches in Brazil and organise IP related events, and their members include local UK lawyers as well as businesses with direct experience of IP issues. Britcham has offices in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and Rio Grande do Sul.
National Institute of Industrial Property - is the body responsible for operating the patent, utility model, industrial design and trade mark system in Brazil. The information is however predominately in Portuguese.
Law companies - many law companies, both local and international, have offices in the major cities of Brazil, as well as patent and trade mark attorneys.