Intellectual property rights in Turkey
A “know before you go” guide to help UK businesses on how to protect and enforce your IP when trading in Turkey.
Turkey is an emerging market for UK business. You should consider how to manage or protect your intellectual property (IP) if you are thinking about:.
- exporting to Turkey
- manufacturing your products in Turkey
- licensing your IP in Turkey
If you are looking for more general advice for doing business in Turkey, the Department for International Trade’s online country guides may also be helpful.
Seeking professional advice
The UK IPO has information on the different types of IP rights and what they protect. However, IP rights are protected differently in different countries. It is important to get the right advice on IP strategy and the different ways you can protect your IP. If you are seeking to register your IP, or if your IP is infringed in Turkey, you should seek advice from local IP lawyers to guide you through the processes.
Links for business
You may find the following websites useful:
- Turkish Patent Institute. This is the authority responsible for registration of patents, trade marks, industrial designs and geographical indications
- Ministry of Culture and Tourism. This is the governmental department that has responsibility for copyright related issues (Website in Turkish only)
- British Chamber of Commerce in Turkey. Delivers information, support and networking services to companies and organisations in both the UK and Turkey