Annex 2: IPES compatibility with other provision
Updated 10 May 2023
Applies to England and Wales
Mandatory Support Programmes | Brief Description of Programme | IPES Compatibility |
Work and Health Programme (WHP) (Mandatory) | Launched in November 2017 the Work and Health Programme is DWP’s contracted employment provision to help persons who have a disability, the long-term unemployed (LTU) and specified disadvantaged groups to find sustained work. The WHP provides additional support that is distinct and additional to that available through the Jobcentre; and supports current and future local plans for service integration for individuals who have multiple barriers to work and/or have a disability. WHP is mandatory for long-term unemployed claimants within the intensive work search regime of the Universal Credit (UC) and equivalent Jobseekers’ Allowance (JSA) claimants, after 24 months of unemployment. WHP can also be accessed voluntarily by eligible individuals with disabilities or those in certain early access groups – see below. Further information on the Work and Health Programme can be found here: Work and Health Programme Provider Guidance Final referrals to WHP will happen by the end of September 2024, following the WHP programme extension |
Individuals mandated to participate on WHP are ineligible to join IPES provision. Once on WHP, Participants remain on provision for 456 days (or up to 639 days including in-work support). |
Restart | The Restart Programme is aimed at helping claimants in the Intensive Work Search regime who have been unemployed for between 12-18 month by: - supporting people into work and helping them to realise their potential, and - ensuring financial security for disabled people and people with health conditions by increasing opportunities to realise their full potential with the help of the welfare system and through the labour market - The maximum time on provision is 365 days - Referrals to Restart went live 28 June 2021. See further information on the Restart Programme |
Individuals mandated to participate on the Restart programme are not eligible to join IPES provision. |
Non-Mandatory Support Programmes | Brief Description of Programme | IPES Compatibility |
Work and Health Programme (WHP) (Voluntary) |
WHP (see above) is available on a voluntary basis to persons who have a disability as defined in the Equality Act 2010; can be helped by the WHP offer; has already been helped by the Jobcentre with their core jobsearch activity; need more support than can be provided within the standard Jobcentre offer; and have committed to the goal of finding employment within one year. Early access to WHP is also available on a voluntary basis to a number of disadvantaged groups: A carer or former carer. Homeless individuals. A former member of the armed forces or an armed forces reservist A young person in a gang. A refugee. A victim of domestic violence. Dependent (or have been dependent) on drugs or alcohol and preventing them from getting work. An ex-offender who has completed a custodial or community sentence. An offender serving a community sentence. |
Individuals participating on WHP are ineligible to join IPES. IPES is intended for those individuals who are more than 12 months from the labour market without the benefit of support and whose support needs cannot be met through other provision. Once on WHP, Participants remain on provision for 456 days (or up to 639 days including in-work support). Individuals participating on IPES who wish to volunteer for WHP provision, must complete their allotted time on IPES provision (456 days from the start date). When the Participant has completed their time on IPES, and following the 639-day payment tail, it will be the JCP Work Coach who will consider if WHP is the most appropriate step forward. |
WHP JETS | The Work and Health Programme has two elements to the programme; the intensive support provided by the core programme (WHP Core) and Work and Health Programme Job Entry Targeted Support (WHP JETS) which provides specific support to help those who are unemployed and in receipt of benefits for at least 13 weeks and at the point of referral be in receipt of New Style JSA or UC Intensive Work Search regime. WHP JETS provides a light touch provision that includes, but is not limited to, transferable skills analysis, CV writing, job search, interview skills, self-efficacy and confidence building in the post COVID-19 environment and take a sector-based approach and helps individuals who: * are of working age * are in receipt of UC in the Intensive Work-Search Regime or New Style JSA at the point of referral; and * be unemployed for 13 weeks or more * be in receipt of benefits for 13 weeks or more (periods of furlough are not counted) * are not on any other DWP contracted provision * are not in receipt of payments from the Self-employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) Work coaches will use the above criteria to assess eligibility and suitability for participation in WHP JETS. Participation is primarily voluntary, although by exception, work coaches may mandate some claimants to attend and participate in the first appointment. See further information on the Work and Health Programme Last referrals to JETS in Scotland will end on 30/09/2022, with programme delivery finishing by the end of April 2023. |
Individuals participating in the JETS programme are not eligible to join IPES provision. IPES is intended for those individuals who are more than 12 months from the labour market without the benefit of support and whose support needs cannot be met through other provision. |
JETS in Scotland | From 25 of January 2021 JETS in Scotland will provide early light-touch employment support to complement the wider labour market offer of support through a sector-based approach that responds to local priorities. Once a Participant starts on JETS in Scotland the Provider has 182 calendar days to work with that Participant, to help them into sustained employment. JETS in Scotland provides specific support to help those who are unemployed and in receipt of benefits for at least 13 weeks and at the point of referral be in receipt of New Style Jobseeker’s Allowance (JSA) or Universal Credit (UC) in the Intensive Work Search regime. WHP JETS provides a light touch provision that includes, but is not limited to, transferable skills analysis, CV writing, job search, interview skills, self-efficacy and confidence building in the post COVID-19 environment and take a sector-based approach and helps individuals who: * are of working age * are in receipt of UC in the Intensive Work-Search Regime or New Style JSA at the point of referral; and * be unemployed for 13 weeks or more * be in receipt of benefits for 13 weeks or more (periods of furlough are not counted) * are not on any other DWP contracted provision * are not in receipt of payments from the Self-employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) For full eligibility, please Work coaches will use the above criteria to assess eligibility and suitability for participation in WHP JETS. Participation is primarily voluntary, although by exception, work coaches may mandate some claimants to attend and participate in the first appointment. See further information on JETS in Scotland Last referrals to JETS in Scotland will end on 30/09/2022, with programme delivery finishing by the end of April 2023. |
Individuals participating in the JETS in Scotland programme are not eligible to join IPES provision. IPES is intended for those individuals who are more than 12 months from the labour market without the benefit of support and whose support needs cannot be met through other provision. |
DWP ESF 2014-2020 Provision | ESF funding has been used to contract voluntary provision across England (not including Scotland and Wales). Eligibility: Individuals must be either unemployed or inactive and must fall into one or more of the following categories: Long Term Unemployed and/or inactive (26 weeks or longer). Basic Skills need (Below NVQ level 1 or equivalent). Have more than one barrier to employment. Barriers may include: A lone parent; an older worker (50+); from an ethnic minority; or an ex-offender. Those with Caring Responsibilities (including those returning to employment when caring responsibilities end). Have physical disability or health condition, including Sensory Impairments; Mental Health; Learning Disability; Drug/ Alcohol dependency. Have low or no qualifications (Below NVQ level 2 or equivalent). Language barrier (English not first language). Provision is for 52 weeks and there are no re-referrals to the DWP ESF 2014-2020 Provision. Further information on the DWP ESF 2014-2020 Provision can be found at ESF 2014 to 2020 Provider Guidance. The last referral to ESF programmes will be made on 09 September 2021, with delivery ending on 06 October 2022 |
The ESF 2014-2020 Provision is not compatible with IPES. Whilst participating in IPES, individuals cannot participate in DWP ESF provision concurrently. If a Participant joins IPES on a voluntary basis, when they are on DWP ESF 2014-2020 Provision, they should leave the DWP ESF 2014-2020 Provision and be recorded as an Early Completer. The DEA /Work Coach will check if the claimant/customer is a Participant on DWP ESF 2014-2020 Provision and inform the ESF provider that a referral to IPES has been made, using form CEPD1. |
New Enterprise Allowance 2 (NEA2) | New Enterprise Allowance 2 (NEA2) aims to support claimants to start their own business. NEA2 will support the creation of a business under any structure for example, sole trader, co-operative, etc. as long as the claimant has a genuine aspiration to build a sustainable business that will be registered in Great Britain. See further information on New Enterprise Allowance 2 The last referral to NEA will be made 31 December 2021, with the final cohort of claimants ending on 16 October 2023 |
If the Potential Participant is already on NEA2 they are ineligible for IPES provision. If the Participant wishes to explore self-employment whilst on IPES, the provider is responsible, as part of the employment offer, to provide In-Work Support and advice/guidance on how to build a sustainable business. Referrals to NEA (or subsequent versions of self-employed provision) should therefore not be required. |
SWAP - Sector-based work academy Programme (Previously SBWA) | Sector-based work academies were launched in England on 1 August 2011. The programme combines sector-based training with a work experience placement and a guaranteed job interview. They are designed to support JSA and ESA (WRAG) claimant who are close to the labour market but who have been unable to find sustained employment in a demand sector with the further aim of supporting employers in those sectors to fill their vacancies more efficiently. Placements are particularly useful for young people but are open to all jobseekers aged 18 upwards. Recently, the programme has been renamed SWAP, the Sector-based Work Academy Programme. |
If the Potential Participant is already receiving support through SWAP, then they are unlikely to require the intensive support provided by IPES, which is for customers more than 12 months away from the labour market. Also, Work experience is a contractual requirement on IPES provision and providers are expected to deliver this without using SBWA /SDA funding; therefore, the two provisions do not run concurrently. When the Participant has completed their time on IPES, it will be the JCP Work Coach who will consider if SWAP is the most appropriate step forward. |
Get Britain Working measures – Work Clubs, Work Together, Work Experience, Enterprise Clubs | The range of Get Britain Working measures rely on the energy and commitment of employers, community groups and local organisations, amongst others, to assist claimants into work | Before agreement is reached that the claimant would best be supported by a referral to IPES. |
Get Britain Working measures – Youth Employment Support (YES) | Youth Employment Support (YES) extends existing Jobcentre services and provision: Providing additional adviser support for 16/17-year-olds on JSA. Extending eligibility for Work Experience to 16/17-year-old JSA claimants. Supporting partnership arrangements to provide signposting to 16/17-year-old who are NEET. Funding for local partnership provision. Promoting the development of Work Clubs for 16-24-year-olds. |
If applicable to the claimant/customer, the range of YES help should be considered Before agreement is reached that the claimant/customer would best be supported by a referral to IPES provision. |
Movement to Work | Movement to Work (MtW) is an employer-led approach to helping all young people aged 18 to 24 years old who are Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEETS) into opportunities that will move them nearer to the world of work or into a job. The Movement is an employer-led initiative, supported by Government, although it receives no Government funding and is not a government programme. Movement to Work offers new vocational training schemes which are being pledged by an expanding number of Britain’s largest employers. The opportunities generally last four to six weeks and contain vocational training and/or work experience. |
IPES is normally delivered by Prime Providers or their formally contracted sub-contractors, however 3rd Tier support, when utilised to address specific barriers or bring valuable expertise to a Participant’s delivery plan, is acceptable on occasion and will be viewed as a valid contribution to the programme. Concurrent participation in Movement to Work can be allowed under this proviso, but it must not be used as a substitute for support which IPES providers should be expected to provide in their IPES programme. IPES providers, via their service fee, will still be responsible for their Participants’ disability-specific needs whilst they remain in the IPES programme. IPES Providers wishing to engage with MtW delivery partners should enquire via the Movement to Work Website and click on the “Contact Us here” button at the bottom of the page. Note: Young people can usually continue to claim Jobseeker’s Allowance or Employment Support Allowance whilst engaging in MtW, but providers must ensure their Participant understands that normal benefit eligibility conditions will continue to apply. |
Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) Traineeships | The ESFA brings together the former responsibilities of the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and Skills Funding Agency (SFA) to create a single agency accountable for funding education and skills for children, young people and adults. ESFA is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Education. ESFA Traineeships is a non-mandatory ESFA led initiative, which focuses on young people aged 16-24 years’ old who are interested in work, but need extra help to get and sustain an Apprenticeship or other job. Traineeships are study-based programmes combined with work placements, which give young people the opportunity to develop workplace skills and experience; putting them in a better position to compete for future vacancies/opportunities. |
ESFA Traineeships are not available to IPES Participants concurrently. |
Flexible Support Fund (FSF) | Provides a range of training/provision/opportunities designed to help lone parents, partners and carers improve their skills. Funding, through FSF, for training/provision expenses (for example, travel/childcare/replacement care/ equipment/course fees) can be considered for eligible lone parents, partners and carers undertaking Jobcentre Approved Activities. |
The Flexible Support Fund is not compatible with IPES. JCP claimants are eligible for support from the fund provided they are not participating in IPES. |
DWP Work Psychology Service | DWP Work Psychologists help people who have a health condition or disability or who are disadvantaged through lack of opportunity to find and keep work. They apply psychology to enhance people’s employment opportunities, helping them to get a job and keep it. | This support will not be available for IPES Participants as referral to this service should be considered/tried prior to requesting IPES support. |
Work Trial | Work Trial gives those at greatest disadvantage in the labour market the opportunity to demonstrate to an employer that they are suitable for, and capable of doing, the job they are applying for. Their purpose is to overcome any remaining suitability doubts an employer and/or disadvantaged group claimant may have, following a formal interview for a vacant post. In simple terms, for both claimants and employers, it is an opportunity to ‘try before you buy’. |
Work Trials for IPES Participants should be sourced by IPES Providers. |
Training and Learning Support | Brief Description of Programme | IPES Compatibility |
Reducing Parental Conflict Face to Face Provision | Reducing Parental Conflict Face to Face provision (F2F) meets a manifesto commitment “to work to eliminate child poverty and introduce better measures to drive real change in children’s’ lives, by recognising the root causes of poverty.” The F2F Provision will work with LAs to ensure they understand Parental Conflict, its causes, and how to identify it and support Parents. DWP is working directly with LAs on this to provide support, access to training and ultimately to better integrate services to reduce Parental Conflict, saving money and transforming lives by giving Parents, whether together or separated, the right help. The policy intent of the F2F Provision is to deliver a number of voluntary interventions that will provide relationship support for Parents who are experiencing Parental Conflict for both Intact couples and Separated Parents. The expected outcomes are to: Introduce F2F evidence-based interventions which reduce Parental Conflict and improve outcomes for children. Focus support on Workless Parents and other Parents identified as Disadvantaged by LAs. Provide insight, learning and evaluation to understand which Interventions work when supporting Parents who are experiencing Parental Conflict and to ultimately improve children’s outcomes. A full list of outcomes and Eligibility criteria can be found in the attached provider guidance: Reducing Parental Conflict Provider Guidance. Participation on any other DWP provision, or support being provided through the Troubled Families provision, does not affect eligibility to the F2F Provision, provided the individual meets the eligibility criteria as defined. F2F provision is delivered in 4 CPAs, Westminster, Gateshead, Hertfordshire and Dorset, details of which can be found in Annex 3 of the provider guidance. The last date for referrals to RPC was 31/03/2022, with participants needing to have completed their intervention programmes by 31/07/22. |
Reducing Parental Conflict Face to Face Provision is compatible with IPES, provided the individual meets the eligibility criteria defined within the Provider Guidance. Please note: Parents identified by the LA as experiencing domestic abuse are not eligible for the RPC F2F Provision. If IPES providers identify that additional support is required for IPES Participants suffering from domestic abuse, alternative support should be sought. |
Wales - Employability Skills programme (ESP) (Previously Work Based Learning) | Work Based Learning (WBL) is still being delivered in Wales but now called Employability Skills Programme (ESP). This is due to be replaced by a new Programme, Job Support Wales, from April 2020 (Go-live date tbc). ESP/WBL is the Welsh Government’s employability skills provision, supporting individuals’ progress from non-employment to employment. The provision is for people who are resident in Wales, and consists of two elements: Learning for Work and Routeways. |
Where the Potential Participant is already on ESP/WBL they are ineligible for IPES provision. This is because ESP/WBL is the Welsh Government’s employability skills provision, and IPES is intended for those individuals whose support needs cannot be met through other provision. |
Apprenticeships | Apprenticeships are funded for 16-24-year-olds in England and Wales but are open to applicants of all ages. In Scotland, Apprenticeships are funded for 16-19-year-olds. People aged 20 and over may occasionally receive funding but this depends on the funding availability at the time and funding priority is given to 16-19-year-olds. In Wales, funding is available to all regardless of age. For more information: Apprenticeships in England. Apprenticeships in Wales. |
Apprenticeships are compatible with IPES provision, where apprentices receive a wage and have a contract of employment. If an apprenticeship is felt by the provider to be the right course of action for an IPES Participants, they will supply In-Work Support. Wages would count as employment and earnings would contribute towards IPES outcomes. |
DfE Supported Internships and Traineeships | Supported internships are a structured study programme based primarily at an employer. They enable young people with complex learning difficulties (including those aged 19 to 24 who have a statutory Learning Difficulty Assessment (LDA) or an Education, Health and Care (EHC) plan) to achieve sustainable paid employment by equipping them with the skills they need for work, through learning in the workplace. Internships are unpaid, and last for a minimum of six months. Wherever possible, they support the young person to move into paid employment at the end of the programme. Alongside their time at the employer, young people complete a personalised study programme which includes the chance to study for relevant substantial qualifications and English and maths, if appropriate. Traineeships: From August 2013, young people aged 16 to 23 can participate in traineeships as another strand of study programmes. This includes, where appropriate, young people with a LDA or EHC plan up to academic age 25, who are qualified below Level 3. Traineeships last a maximum of six months and offer a work placement, work preparation training, and studies in English and maths where the students have still to achieve GCSEs at grade C, plus additional flexible training and support tailored to individual needs. The aim of traineeships is to support young people to gain the skills, attributes and experience they need to progress onto apprenticeships or other jobs. |
Students in DfE Supported Internships and Traineeships cannot participate in IPES concurrently Note: Some specialist providers of DfE Supported Internships may qualify for sign-up as a IPES SRO provided they meet the full SRO eligibility criteria. |
Grants and Financial Aid | Brief Description of Programme | IPES Compatibility |
Access to Work | Access to Work consists of financial support for workplace adjustments, and is paid to employers. It does not fund normal business running costs or general costs that every employer and employee has. Access to Work can support the additional costs of disabled people in self-employment and home working, but only in relation to the disability-specific need, not for the normal set up or running costs of a business. There are a number of elements (or types of support) usually available within Access to Work, subject to an approved application, some of which are one-off payments and some ongoing funding: Adaptations to premises and equipment. Specialist aids and equipment. Travel to work. Travel in work. Support workers of many kinds for example, job coach. Communication support at job interview. |
Access to Work support is available to the Participants on IPES. Providers should consider Access to Work as part of the measures available to Participants moving into work. Providers may assist IPES Participants in applying for Access to Work funding. |
Access to Work Mental Health Support Service (AtW MHSS) | The DWP AtW MHSS supports customers with a mental health issue or condition, enabling many more people to stay in work or move to more suitable work. It is delivered through the Access to Work programme by providing practical support to overcome work related obstacles resulting from their disability. Access to Work is available for people who have a disability, health or mental health condition that impacts on their ability to work. To receive Access to Work help, the eligibility conditions must be satisfied. For further information on AtW – MHSS, please follow this link: AtW-MHSS. The MHSS is a confidential service which is delivered with no cost to the customer or their employer, and can be delivered with or without the support of the Customer’s employer. |
The AtW MHSS is not available to participants on IPES. It is the responsibility of the Provider to source and fund all appropriate mental health support for participants who require it whilst on the IPES provision. |
Childcare Assistance | Childcare Assist offers assistance, through the Flexible Support Fund (FSF), with childcare expenses for up to 5 in the 7 days immediately before starting work. | Jobcentre advisers can offer FSF prior to an IPES referral but, because the IPES service offered by providers is intended to be all-encompassing for Participants once on provision, access to FSF whilst participating in IPES would NOT be appropriate. |
Jobcentre Travel Discount Cards | The Jobcentre Travel Discount Card is available to JSA claimants between 6 and 12 months unemployed. | This Card is not available to claimants on IPES as, once on provision, the provider supports the claimant. |