Annex 3: IPES definitions
Updated 10 May 2023
Applies to England and Wales
Descriptor | Active definition |
Action Plan | A written plan prepared by a Provider at the initial face to face meeting and updated at each subsequent meeting with each Participant setting out the agreed actions to move the Participant into work. |
ASI | Additional Services Innovation Fund |
Case Conferences | A meeting between a Participant, a Jobcentre representative and a Provider to discuss the Participant’s progress and ensure their needs are being met. |
Completer | An individual who has completed the IPES Programme to which the call off specification relates. |
Customer Service Standard (CSSs) | The service levels to which the Call-Off Services are to be supplied by the Provider as set out in Section 4 (MPLs and CSSs) of the Specification. |
Early Completer | A Participant is an early completer if IPES provision is no longer appropriate for them as stated in the specification and this Guidance. |
Face to Face | A meeting where all attendees attend in person (not a Skype meeting or similar). |
Induction Pack | A pack of information issued to the Participant by the Provider at the initial Provider Meeting. The pack will include as a minimum information on: health and safety instructions; DPA/GDPR responsibilities; signed travel and expenses declaration; map(s); location/contact details; expectations; the provider complaints process and attendance requirements. |
In-Work Support | Individualised support by a Provider to a Participant throughout the period of the Participant’s employment or self-employment during their time on the IPES provision. |
Key Worker | A member of the Provider’s staff who supports a Participant with interventions to overcome barriers to work in order to help them move into employment. |
Minimum Performance Levels (MPLs) | The performance levels to which the Services are to be supplied by the Provider, as set out in Section 4 of the Specification |
Month | A Calendar month |
Outcome | An employed job outcome or a self-employed job outcome |
Outcome Payment | The fee payable by the Authority to the Provider on achievement of an Outcome as set out in Section 5 of the Specification. |
IPES Exit Activity Plan | The document produced by the Participant’s Key Worker, and issued to the Participant, within 10 Working Days of the Participant becoming a Completer. The Exit Activity Plan details the next steps for the Participant, including any further support needed. |
IPES Progress Report | The document produced by the Contractor within 10 Working Days of the Participant becoming a Completer, which details the reasons why the Participant has become a Completer, any progress the Participant made whilst on IPES, any experience the Participant gained in a working environment, and the Participant’s next steps when they leave IPES. The Progress Report is issued to Jobcentre Plus where a Warm Handback is required. |
Employer Support Plan | The document produced by the Contractor and issued to the Participant’s employer within 10 Working Days of the Participant starting employment. The Employer Support Plan details the support the Contractor will give to the Participant and the employer in order to help the Participant to sustain the employment. The Employer Support Plan also details the Participant’s support needs from the employer following the end of the period in which the Contractor delivers IPES Services to the Participant. |
PRaP | The Authority’s Provider Referral and Payments system |
Referral | The referral of a Participant by the Jobcentre to a Provider for participation in the IPES provision. |
Re-referral | The Referral of a Participant who has previously taken part in IPES provision. |
Service Fee | The amount(s) payable by DWP to the Provider on a monthly basis in respect of each month in which Referrals are made as more particularly set out in Section 5 of the Call-Off Specification. |
Signposting Organisation | An organisation approved by DWP to identify potentially eligible and suitable individuals for signposting to the Jobcentre for onward referral to IPES. |
Start Date | The Start Date is the date on which the Participant commences the provision and will be the date that the Participant attends their initial face to face meeting with the Provider. |
Warm Handover | The initial conversation between the Jobcentre work coach, Provider and Participant. |
Working Age | For IPES in England and Wales, “working age” is defined as starting from 16 years of age. However, in England 16 to 17 year olds who are not in work are required to stay in education or training, so whilst 16 to 17 year olds can access IPES in Wales, in England they cannot. 18 year olds can apply if they are both eligible and suitable for IPES |
Working Day | Means any day other than a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holiday in England and Wales |