Policy paper

Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change Interministerial Group: terms of reference

Published 8 July 2021

This was published under the 2019 to 2022 Johnson Conservative government

Purpose and scope

The purpose of the Net Zero, Energy and Climate Change Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) is to support effective engagement and collaboration in areas of shared interest between the portfolio Ministers leading on these issues within the UK Administrations.

The IMG will aim to promote the decarbonisation of the UK economy and support the successful delivery of the UK’s domestic targets and international climate commitments.

The IMG will be the primary ministerial decision-making body for the UK ETS. Otherwise, the role of the IMG will primarily be consultative. Where all administrations agree that it is appropriate and desirable for it to do so, it may act as a forum to reach agreement and provide strategic oversight to joint activities. In such cases, decisions will be taken by consensus.

Climate change adaptation and international climate change are not within scope of the IMG, save for their effects on domestic net zero, energy and climate change policy.


Provide effective engagement on energy and climate change mitigation through information exchange, cooperation and collaboration in areas of shared interest.

Consider the policy action needed to meet the UK target of net zero emissions by 2050, UK carbon budgets, the UK’s Nationally Determined Contributions, and devolved emissions targets and carbon budgets, recognising the balance of reserved and devolved responsibilities for climate policy and decarbonisation.

Facilitate engagement on matters relating to the Climate Change Act 2008 and devolved legislation.

Consider the needs and requirements of the energy system, including in the context of decarbonising the UK economy.

Discuss and take decisions on the operation and policy development of the UK Emissions Trading System (ETS) according to the governance arrangements set out in the ETS Common Framework and concordat; and resolve disagreements where agreement cannot be reached at official level.

Where substantive issues arise in relation to the UK ETS, dedicated IMG meetings may be convened on a needs basis.

Recognition will be given to Northern Ireland’s dual carbon pricing with regards to UK ETS and EU ETS.

Set direct and oversee delivery of any agreed joint activities which relate to the scope of the Group.

Relationship to other groups

The IMG is supported by relevant official-level DESNZ-DA forums including the Net Zero Nations Board, which is attended by senior officials from each administration. The IMG is designed to complement and provide an overarching structure for existing channels of engagement between the UK Government and Devolved Administrations on matters relating to climate change policy and energy.

The IMG secretariat will monitor and engage with the secretariat for other DA IMG groups, which may discuss topics relating to climate change, through informal channels to ensure that discussions are not duplicative or contradictory. The relationship between the IMG and the other DA Ministers Meetings will be kept under review.


The core membership is as follows:

  • Minister of State for Energy Security and Net Zero, UK government
  • Cabinet Secretary for Net Zero, Energy and Transport. Scottish Government
  • Minister for the Environment, Biodiversity and Land Reform, Scottish Government
  • Minister for Climate Change, Welsh Government
  • Minister of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs, Northern Ireland Executive
  • Minister for the Economy, Northern Ireland Executive

There may be occasions where the IMG agrees to invite other ministers to attend meetings where the agenda is relevant to their portfolio.



Meetings will require attendance from all four administrations in order to be quorate. Where necessary, senior officials may attend in place of Ministers. but not in a chair role capacity. Additionally, Officials deputising will seek to limit contribution to provide factual position updates. Where a decision is required at an IMG it must be in keeping with legislative provisions / guidance in place or a pre- agreed Ministerial position.

Hosting and frequency

Meetings will generally be held once every 2 months, with the option to convene additional meetings as necessary.

Meetings will be held virtually via video conferencing. When circumstances allow, the IMG will explore opportunities to hold meetings in London, Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast (with video conferencing available at each meeting).

Chairing and secretariat

The administration responsible for chairing the meetings will rotate to align, as far as possible with chairing duties at the Net Zero Nations Board.

Any additional secretariat duties will be provided by the Clean Growth Directorate in the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ). This includes liaising with the chairing administration to circulate the agenda and a draft communiqué ahead of final sign off at the meeting itself. DESNZ will then also be responsible for publishing the communiqué on gov.uk and for circulating the minutes following the meeting.

Agenda and papers

The chairing administration will be responsible for finalising the agenda, which should be agreed jointly, with input from relevant DESNZ-DA forums. There may be occasions when administrations agree to confine discussion to a particular DESNZ portfolio area; however, ordinarily the agenda should encompass a wide breadth of the energy and climate change portfolio.

The agenda - and any papers - will be circulated by the secretariat one week in advance of the meeting, where possible.

The chairing administration will also be responsible for drafting minutes, which should be circulated by the secretariat within one week of the meeting taking place, to be agreed by all parties, for internal use only and not for publication.

Information handling

All meetings within this structure will be held routinely at OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE level. Notes of meetings and actions will be circulated using business email accounts only and should be handled in accordance with Government Security Classifications. Confidential information discussed during the IMG meetings, or supporting communications by officials, must not be released into the public domain.

Information requests relating to the business or administration of the IMG will be considered individually and on their own merit under the relevant legislation that applies to the request (that is, FOI / EIR). Any member who receives a request should make the secretariat of the group aware of the request as soon as practicable.


The Terms of Reference will be kept under review and amended as appropriate to reflect any changes to the role and functions of the IMG (to be agreed by all administrations), and to comply with best practice as agreed in the Intergovernmental Relations Review.