
International Anti-Corruption Prosecutorial Taskforce

Founding Statement

Applies to England, Northern Ireland and Wales



  1. We recognise the significant threat of bribery and corruption and the severe harm that it causes. We stand firm in our commitment to tackle this threat within the national and international legal frameworks.

  2. We recognise that the threat is complex and international in nature and that success relies on us working closely and effectively together and building further on our strong existing relationships.

  3. We therefore commit to establishing the International Anti-Corruption Prosecutorial Taskforce to strengthen our collective effort.

  4. The Taskforce will deliver:

    i. A Leaders’ Group focused on the regular exchange of insight and strategy.

    ii. A Working Group, for the purpose of devising proposals for co-operation on cases.

    iii. Increased best practice sharing to make full use of our combined expertise.

    iv. A strengthened foundation for seizing opportunities for operational collaboration.

  5. We will, by our mutual agreement, invite other like-minded agencies involved in tackling international bribery and corruption to join the Taskforce.

Signed on 20 March 2025 by:

Nick Ephgrave QPM, Director of the Serious Fraud Office, UK

Stefan Blättler, Attorney General of the Swiss Confederation

Jean-François Bohnert, Head of the National Financial Prosecution Office, France

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Published 20 March 2025

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