International search and rescue cooperation data: Passenger ships
International index of search and rescue (SAR) data providers for passengers ships.
All passenger ships must carry plans for co-operation with search and rescue (SAR) services. Copies of the plans are held by all relevant SAR services. For passenger ships that trade through many SAR regions copies are held by a SAR data provider.
The international SAR co-operation plans index enables users to identify the SAR data provider for each ship’s plan.
Please note that only ships that trade internationally are listed. For details of ships trading only in the UK SAR region, contact any UK coastguard centre, or refer to MSN 1878.
Ships are listed alphabetically by name with the following details:
- the ship’s radio callsign
- the maritime mobile service identity
- the name of the company operating the ship (as defined in SOLAS regulation IX/1)
- the name and 24-hour contact telephone number of the SAR data provider holding the ship’s SAR co-operation plan
To submit additions or amendments to the Index:
International SARCP Index
Joint Rescue Co-ordination Centre, UK (JRCC)
HM Coastguard, Unit 12, Kites Croft Business Park
PO14 4LW
Entries should be made for all passenger ships using the SAR data provider system in accordance with the guidelines, for example, ships that trade through many SAR regions. Entries for other passenger ships trading internationally will also be accepted. Entries should include:
- ship’s name
- callsign
- company identity
- SAR data provider identity
- SAR data provider’s 24-hour contact telephone number.
SAR data providers are also requested to ensure that the index is kept up to date by checking it at intervals and submitting any amendments required.
Updates to this page
Index of SAR Data Providers updated, current to the last full week of December 2024
Index of SAR data providers updated, current to the last full week of June 2024
Index of SAR data providers updated, current to the last full week of March/2024
Index of SAR Data Providers updated, current to the last full week of December 2023
Index of SAR data providers updated, current to the last full week of November 2023.
Index of SAR data providers updated, current to the last full week of September 2023.
Index of SAR data providers updated, current to the last full week of July 2023.
Index of SAR data providers updated, current to the last full week of June 2023.
Index of SAR data providers updated, current to the last full week of May 2023.
Index of SAR data providers updated, current to the last full week of January 2023.
Index of SAR data providers updated, current to the last full week of December 2022.
Index of SAR data providers updated, current to the last full week of November 2022.
Index of SAR data providers updated, current to the last full week of October 2022.
Index of SAR data providers updated for September 2022.
Index of SAR data providers updated for August 2022.
Latest version of the Search and rescue co-operation plans international index has been uploaded.
Updated plan index - correct as at 21/10/2021.
Updated index uploaded
The index has been updated, correct as at 23/07/2020.
Updated the plans index, correct as at 11/05/2020.
Plan index updated - correct as at 29/11/2019
Plans index updated, correct as at 28/09/2019.
Updated the plans index to the latest as at 12/05/2019.
Updated plans index - correct as at 19/04/2019
Updated plans index to the latest - correct as at 28/03/2019.
Updated plan index to the latest as at 22/02/2019.
MSN 1878 has replaced MSN 1783 therefore the new MSN has been linked to.
Updated co-operation plans index to the latest version, correct as at 21/12/2018.
The plan has been updated to show the latest information correct as at 17/08/2018.
Updated plans index - correct as at 28/06/2018
Updated the plans index, now correct as at 29/04/2018.
Updated to provide the latest plans index, correct as at 15/03/2018.
Updated the plans index to the latest version, correct as at 30/01/2018.
Updated to include the latest co-operation plans index, correct as at 04/01/2018.
Co-operation plan index updated - correct as at 17/12/2017.
Updated the co-operation plans index to the latest - correct as at 10/11/2017.
Updated the co-operation plans index, now correct as at 04/11/2017.
Updated the list of data providers, correct as at 05/10/17.
Updated to the latest index, correct as at 05/07/2017.
Updated SAR Co-operation Plans International Index, correct as at 13/04/2017.
Updated the International SAR Co-operation Plans Index to the latest version, correct as at 15/11/2016.
Updated to show the latest index, correct as at 08/07/2016.
Updated international SAR co-operation plans index - correct as at 15/05/2016
Updated plan index, correct as at 11/05/2016.
Updated the International SAR Co-operation Plans Index. This version is correct as at 02/03/2016.
Plans Index updated - correct as at 14/12/2015.
Co-operation plans updated, correct as at 19/11/2015.
The co-operation plans index has been updated - correct as at 22/10/2015.
International SAR Co-operation Plan Index updated - correct as at 26/09/2015
International SAR co-operation plans index updated to show entries correct as at 04/09/2015
SAR co-operation plans updated - correct as at 14/08/15.
Plans Index updated - correct as at 05/08/2015.
The international SAR co-operation plans index has been updated, correct as at 14/07/2015.
Updated contact details and uploaded the latest international index, correct as at 30/06/2015
International SAR co-operation plans index updated - correct as at 14 May 2015.
International SAR co-operation plans index updated - Correct as at 01/05/2015.
International SAR co-operation plans index update correct as at 22/04/15
First published.