International Tax: apply for or renew a Double Taxation Treaty passport
Use form DTTP1 to apply for or renew a Double Taxation Treaty passport.
Use form DTTP1 to apply for or renew a Double Taxation Treaty passport if both the following apply:
- you are a company or entity in a country that has a double taxation treaty
- you get relief from UK Income Tax on interest gained in the UK
Email HMRC to ask for this form in Welsh.
How to use the form
You will fill this form in online and you cannot save your progress. It is best to get all of your information together before you start.
Related forms and guidance
Read about the Double Taxation Treaty Passport Scheme to find out who the scheme applies to, how to apply for a Double Taxation Treaty passport and when to tell HMRC about changes.
Updates to this page
A new version of the DTTP1 form to renew a Double Taxation Treaty passport has been added.
Contact details to get help filling in the form and the postal address to send it to have been updated.
We have updated the DTTP1 pdf form to an interactive html i-form.
A new version of this form has been added to the page. The change applies to section 1, bullet point 3 on the first page.
A new version of the form has been added to the page.
A new version of the form has been added to the page.
First published.