Interventional radiology: guidance for service delivery - a report from the National Imaging Board
The National Imaging programme is lead by Dr Erika Denton, National Clinical Director for Diagnostic Imaging and chair of the National Imaging Board. The focus is on sustaining low waits; along with addressing wider diagnostic imaging issues to improve the quality of services and enhance the patient experience and outcomes.
Applies to England
A sub-group of the National Imaging Board, has produced this report to inform and stimulate discussion about how Interventional Radiology (IR) Services can support the quality and productivity agenda. The document has been produced by interventional radiologists, nurses, radiographers, a patient representative and members of the Department of Health and National Imaging Board.
The report illustrates how the NHS can improve quality, safety and productivity while delivering comparable or better outcomes for patients with shorter hospital stays and fewer major complications. It suggests and describes how IR services can help to ensure patient safety whilst delivering the highest quality care