Research and analysis

Findings from the transport safety for women and girls interventions scan

Published 26 September 2024

An overview of the spread and types of interventions that are available relating to violence against women and girls on the transport system. The list is not exhaustive.

Number Intervention with web link Category Description Purpose Transport mode
1 Walk Me Home Surveillance and Policing Walk Me Home is an app that would allow users to opt in to a GPS tracking system and an alert would be triggered if they did not reach their destination on time Immediate response All
2 Bus operators legally required to provide real time information Management A consultation on legally requiring bus operators to share their data so that passengers can get real time information on bus routes, timetables and fares. Prevention Bus
3 Safe and the City Surveillance and Policing App with functions such as safer route planning    
through the use of real time information, and contacting emergency services. Prevention, Immediate response All      
4 Red Panic Button Surveillance and Policing Pressing the panic button on this app instantly sends your emergency contacts an SMS and an email with your coordinates in a Google Maps link. It also allows you to send a ‘panic tweet’ that shares your location and lets your followers know that you need help. Immediate response All
5 Circulo Surveillance and Policing Círculo helps connect you to a reliable network of six peers. Establish protocols, send alerts and keep those in your circle informed. Immediate response All
6 Sister Surveillance and Policing App that tracks your location in real time , so you can share it with your trusted contacts. Sister comes with special features y, such as a GPS that indicates you the safest route with the nearby police stations, a deterrent alarm to stop any kind of aggression, and a SOS mode to contact with the emergency services with just one click. Prevention, Immediate response All
7 Becon Surveillance and Policing Private and simple-to-use walking safety app that looks out for you on your everyday journeys, automatically. Immediate response All
8 Displaying real time information at transport hubs Management Looking at the differnet ways real time information can be delivered to passengers on the transport network. Prevention All
9 Fix my street Management Report, view and discuss local problems on the website. Prevention All
10 Bsafe Surveillance and Policing BSafe has a range of features, such as an SOS button, which can be activated by touch or voice and records your surroundings to send to your chosen contacts, and lets you invite your contacts to follow your location via GPS. Immediate response All
11 Lighting Built Environment Improved lighting has been shown to reduce crimes. It also increase the feeling of safety for women walking home in the dark Prevention All
12 Life360 Surveillance and Policing Life360 lets you make your own ‘circles’ of trusted contacts and check out their location, as well as send and receive real-time alerts when members of your circle leave or arrive at different places. There’s a help alert function which lets your circle know that you don’t feel safe after 10 seconds. Immediate response All
13 One scream Surveillance and Policing Voice activated personal safety app. Once app is activated a text message and an automated call with your location is then sent to your nominated contact. Immediate response All
14 My panic alarm Surveillance and Policing Panic alarm app on phone to raise attention that you are in need of help. Immediate response All
15 Parachute Surveillance and Policing Parachute uses your phone’s sensors to continuously record video, audio and location data during an emergency. Your evidence is then saved away from your phone. The app simultaneously texts, calls and emails your emergency contacts and sends them your live video, audio and location. Immediate response All
16 Wher Management Maps for women made by women. Women will be able to make informed decisons about route planning. Prevention All
17 Hollie Guard Surveillance and Policing Hollie Guard has you covered, whether you’re working alone, travelling to an unknown area or simply commuting around town. App with two different modes (deterrent and stealth) to trigger the alarm to emergency contacts. Immediate response All
18 UrSafe Surveillance and Policing Personal safety app that allows users to set personal safewords that trigger different responses depending on the severity of the situation. Immediate response All
19 Safety Call Surveillance and Policing With the tap of a button the app will generate a fake but realistic sounding safety call, while simultaneously sending your location to an emergency contact. Shaking the app will contact the emergency services Immediate response All
20 Keep me safe Surveillance and Policing An app that protects women from danger. Never lose sight of your loved ones with Keep Me Safe’s strong and accurate geofencing, SOS, video and audio recording, location history, and Street View features. Immediate response All
21 My Safetipin Surveillance and Policing The app is your personal tool to make your city safer and to hold your local authorities accountable for creating a safe environment! Through the safety audit, you can share your inputs and feeling of safety in a place by simply rating 9 parameters and adding pictures as well as comments. Prevention, Immediate response All
22 Womens Safety Surveillance and Policing With just a tap of a button, the app sends an e-mail to preconfigured emails along with your location and a link to Google Maps. The app also captures 2 pics, one with front camera and the other with back camera, and a video or audio clip and uploads it a server. Immediate response All
23 Smart 24X7 Surveillance and Policing Smart24x7 is a personal safety & security app for personal & business use that alerts emergency contacts with your GPS location. Immediate response All
24 Safer Transport Northumbria Management Whether using the Metro or buses in the region, this app has been designed to make it easier to tell someone about any crimes or concerns you have and to get support. Prevention, Immediate response, Post-incident reaction All
25 Shake 2 Safety Surveillance and Policing Shake2Safety is designed to send emergency messages to a contact, as well as record audio and video, and can be triggered by subtle movements like shaking your phone or pushing the power button four times. Immediate response All
26 CCTV Surveillance and Policing CCTV can be used to deter crime, increase the feeling of safety, help cordinate a reponse during an incident, and help catch the offender after the crime has been committed. Prevention, Post-incident reaction All
27 See it , Say it, Sort it Education Campaign asking rail passengers and people who use railway stations to help keep themselves and others safe by reporting unusual items or activity on the railway Post-incident reaction Rail
28 CitizenCOP Management Citizen Cop provides a hassle-free and easy way for crime reporting. Built with an initiative to empower the common man, CitizenCOP is a location-based safety app. Immediate response, Post-incident reaction All
29 Body worn cameras Surveillance and Policing Nexus  provided all frontline staff body worn video cameras as part of an initiative to deter anti-social behaviour. Prevention, Post-incident reaction All
30 Enough Education Multi-year national communications campaign which aims to reduce violence against women and girls. Prevention All
31 Suzy Lamplugh Trust Education The Suzy Lamplugh Trust is the UK’s pioneering personal safety charity and leading stalking authority. Prevention, Immediate response, Post-incident reaction All
32 White Ribbon UK Education White Ribbon is the UK’s leading charity engaging men and boys to end violence against women and girls Prevention All
33 Community cohesion exercises by Nexus Education Intervention involved holding meetings in areas across the whole network and invite police, youth offending teams, and young people workers along to an evening to show face and deal with issues or aspects of peoples travel. Prevention All
34 PT4ME.PT4YOU.PT4ALL Education Campaign to raise awareness on the issues women face when using public transport Prevention All
35 TFL Zero Tolerance to sexual harassment Education Campaign to tackle sexual harassment on the transport network. Prevention All
36 Good night out campaign Education From the pub to the street to the bus to our homes, sexual harassment is everywhere. The group builds workplace and community capacity to respond to and prevent all gender-based harms. Prevention, Immediate response All
37 Street Safe Management A pilot service for anyone to anonymously report  public places where they have felt or feel unsafe, because of environmental issues. StreetSafe is not for reporting crime or incidents. Prevention All
38 UK Safe spaces Management UN Women UK’charity team shape a national conversation to revealthe prevalence of sexual harassment across the UK Prevention All
39 Know the difference Education A campaign that targeted men’s behaviour and attitudes towards women and unwanted sexual behaviour and offences Prevention All
40 Walk Safe+ Surveillance and Policing WalkSafe provides the tools to allow you to make informed decisions around your personal safety! Prevention All
41 Text 61016 Management Text service offers the travelling public and rail staff a means to contact BTP directly and discreetly, in order to report non-emergency crime. Post-incident reaction All
42 Safer streets for women and girls Education Joint initative between North Somerset and Somerset County Council to help tackle violence against women and girls. Prevention All
43 Rail industry campaign to crack down on sexual harassment Education Rail industry campaign will raise awareness about what constitutes sexual harassment, encouraging reporting and helping to make sure there is no unsafe space on the railway Prevention Rail
44 Safer Streets Liverpool Education Safer Streets Liverpool aims to stop unwanted sexual behaviour across transport routes in the city. New measures  include safety training for transport staff, more CCTV coverage and a text service which can be used to report concerns. Prevention, Immediate response, Post-incident reaction All
45 Safe Dates Education A ten-session dating abuse prevention program to raise students’ awareness of what constitutes healthy and abusive dating relationships, as well as the causes and consequences of dating abuse. Prevention All
46 The Safety of Women at Night Fund Education The Safety of Women at Night Fund will award funding to organisations focused on improving the safety of women and girls at night. Prevention All
47 Ask for Angela Education The safety initiative is being rolled out to bars, clubs and other licensed businesses across London.  People who feel unsafe, vulnerable or threatened can discreetly seek help by approaching venue staff and asking them for ‘Angela’. Immediate response All
48 Repurposing dark foot tunnels Built Environment Repurpose univiting places to decrease the chance of VAWG incidents. Provide a better walking route for women and girls Prevention All
49 Greater Manchester’s Safer Streets initiative Education Greater Manchester is investing in a series of schemes aimed at helping women and girls feel safer when out and about in the city-region. Prevention, Immediate response, Post-incident reaction All
50 Smart Lamposts - Humble lampost Built Environment The humble lampost proposal is an example of how security features such as emergency buttons could be incorparated into lamp post design. This could add an increased sense of safety for women walking on the streets. Prevention, Immediate response All
51 Innovative ways to display campaigns Design Different ways were digital dispays can be used to engage the audience in a more interactive way Prevention All
52 Transport staff posisitoing at stations Surveillance and Policing Nexus have a new security team. The staffing is small but two teams are either positioned at areas where they have been identified as hot spots for ASB or they are sent to areas following reports of ASB on the system by either the public or control. Prevention, Immediate response All
53 Travel couriers Surveillance and Policing A pilot scheme in 2002 trained unemployed people to work as  ‘Travel Couriers’ on buses, with the aim of improving passengers feelings of safety. Prevention, Immediate response Bus
54 Hi visibilty policing Surveillance and Policing Target Policing Initiative - For two months in 2002 in Wesr Yorkshire, uniformed police officers in high visibility jackets, and plain-clothes officers, were deployed on buses and at bus stops in West Yorkshire. Their remit was to talk to passengers and to provide a visible presence. Prevention, Immediate response Bus
55 Plain clothed police Surveillance and Policing Plain clothed police work on the Metro in the North East. Immediate response All
56 Drones Surveillance and Policing Drones with real-time video relay, autonomous capabilities, and equipped with daylight and/or thermal cameras can help authorities control crimes proactively. Prevention, Post-incident reaction All
57 Buddies schemes by Nexus Education Nexus provided independent travel training for vulnerable people that use their transport systems. Prevention All
58 Project Guardian Management Project Guardian is a joint initiative between BTP , the Metropolitan Police Service, the City of London Police, and TFL, which aimed to combat and increase reporting of sexual harassment on public transport in London. Prevention, Immediate response, Post-incident reaction All
59 TravelSafe Partnership Management The partnership  works to reassure the travelling public and to prevent and deal with incidents of crime, anti-social behaviour and fare evasion. To do this the team gathers crime and anti-social behaviour data from a variety of sources to identify areas of the transport network that may be vulnerable to crime and anti-social behaviour. Prevention, Immediate response, Post-incident reaction All
60 Right to be Education Train people to respond to, intervene in, and heal from harassment. Space for people experiencing harassment to share their stories for affirmation and support. Immediate response, Post-incident reaction All
61 SpaceTimeAI Surveillance and Policing Predictive modelling using AI. Data can be used for crime prediction, police patrol behavioural analysis, optimal patrol routing in real-time, agent-based simulation for strategic planning . Prevention All
62 Bus Safety Feedback Tool Management Public survey to gather feedback on the safety of the West Yorkshire bus network Prevention, Immediate response, Post-incident reaction All
63 Tramlabs Toolkit Management The aim of these toolkits is to provide a framework and practical steps to help make public transport safer for women and girls, providing stakeholders with direction about how to reduce their fear and risk. Prevention All
64 The everyday sexism project Management The project was set up in England in 2012 ‘to catalogue instances of sexism experienced by women on a day to day basis’. Women can share their experiences online via the website, Twitter or email. Post-incident reaction All
65 Open innovation platform Management The TInnGO Open Innovation Platform is a collaboration platform that aims to bring together TInnGO national hubs, stakeholders and European citizens willing to address local issues of gender and diversity in transport. Prevention All
66 Multi-agency task teams Management Joint approach across multiple stakeholders in an effort to make journeys safer for women. Research has suggested that in order to reduce sexual offending on public transport, a coordinated package of complementary initiatives is the most effective approach. Prevention, Immediate response, Post-incident reaction All
67 Youth Liaison Officer by Nexus Education Youth Liaison Officers work in schools and youth centres with people under 19 on the safe use of public transport and where to get assistance if required. Prevention All
68 Staff training Education All frontline Nexus staff and those working in Metro and in bus stations have seen given vulnerability training and suicide preventions training. Immediate response All
69 Tower Hamlets VAWG training Education This is a multiagency training programme provided by Tower Hamlets for professionals from the statutory, voluntary and community sectors to identify and respond effectively and appropriately to issues relating to VAWG. Prevention All
70 Railway Guardian Management British Transport Police’s official app to make rail travel in England, Scotland and Wales safer for everyone, with guides and incident reporting. Immediate response, Post-incident reaction All
71 Report it to stop it Education Campaign encouraging people to report to the police any behaviour that has made them feel uncomfortable. Post-incident reaction All
72 Social Media Solutions - A prosocial bystander image toolkit Education Easy-to-customize social media campaign that focuses on a prosocial bystander approach to preventing sexual and relationship violence. Toolkits come with 250+ images to choose from for use across many different social media platforms. Prevention All
73 EAASI product evalauation tool Management A gender and diversity sensitive usability evaluation tool - evaluate new innovations against relevant criteria. Prevention All
74 Teams within transport systems Management Nexus has different groups such as a security working group, tasking crime group, crime and    
disorder forum groups in an effort to reduce and help with VAWG incidents. Prevention, Immediate response All      
75 First response app Oxford Management First Response App helps students respond to sexual violence in Oxford. Immediate response, Post-incident reaction All
76 Busy bus feature on the Stagecoach app Management App which informs customers on how busy a journey is at the current time. This means that  customers can decide to avoid it if they think it is too busy or in fact too quiet. Prevention Bus
77 CCTV signage on buses Design Buses are clearly labelled as having CCTV which is deterring.  Some buses have internal TV screens which show the shots from the internal cameras which can be additionally deterring. Prevention Bus
78 Visible Management Accessible and efficient platform for reporting sexual harassment, straight from your phone or digital device. Post-incident reaction All
79 Crime prevention through enviromental design Built Environment Design of public areas can reduce the likelhood of a vawg incident happening, and reduce fear levels of women. Some considerations are - Walkable areas around transport hubs, More entry/exit points to stations, Maintenance of transport hubs, Low foilage around transport hubs, having bus stop locations in busy/overlooked areas if possible. Prevention All
80 Bus shelter design - Clear walls to offer better visibility Design Having bus shelters with clear walls increases te feeling of safety and decreases the chances of an incident happening within the bus shelter itself. Prevention Bus
81 AI CCTV Surveillance and Policing CCTV system that uses AI and facial recognition to track people who may be on criminal databases, or have posted inappropriate content on social media Prevention All
82 Everyones invited Management Everyone’s Invited is a safe place for survivors to share their stories completely anonymously. Post-incident reaction All
83 Safezone Surveillance and Policing In the event of an emergency, the app allows you to quickly share your location and details with the local response team who will be able to get the right assistance to you. Immediate response All
84 SafeUP Surveillance and Policing App allows you to see what ‘guardians’ are near by so that you can feel safer walking home. Immediate response All
85 Bystander interventions Education Training to educate bystanders so that they can act better if they see a harassment incident occuring. Immediate response All
86 TinnGO Incident reporting Management Website that allows you to share your experiecnes of haressment. Post-incident reaction All
87 Get ME Home Safely Management Members from across the hospitality and passenger transport sectors, working with the equalities sector, calling for immediate changes to protect women workers. Prevention All
88 Ask for Ani Education Ask for ANI (Action Needed Immediately) is a codeword scheme developed by the Home Office to provide a discreet way for victims of domestic abuse to signal that they need emergency help from the safety of their local pharmacy. Immediate response All
89 Green dot bystander intervention training Education Green Dot is a University of Florida campus-wide initiative that provides education and prevention strategies that address sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, bullying, and stalking. Prevention, Immediate response All
90 A-Z of Consent campaign Education Campaign to raise awareness on the importance of consent, challenge myths about rape and sexual violence, and encourage victims-survivors to access support and report. Prevention All
91 Crime not compliment Education Camapign aiming to change the laws around sexual harassment in the UK Prevention All
92 Visible help desks at transport hubs Built Environment Service kiosks insidestations where users can seek help or report incidents. Staff at these kiosks would be trained to deal with VAWG incidents Immediate response, Post-incident reaction All
93 Taxi marshalls Surveillance and Policing Taxi marshalls, who are trained staff are at taxi ranks to provide support and prevent unregistered taxis picking women up. Prevention, Immediate response Taxi
94 VR/ Gamification Education Working with train operating companies and expert technology partners to apply emerging AR & VR technologies. Technology could be used for staff training to deal with vawg incidents. Immediate response All
95 Project Vigilant Education Initiative that uses a combination of uniformed and plain clothed officers to carry out patrols in areas outside night clubs, bars and pubs, to identify people who may be displaying signs of predatory behaviour, such as sexual harassment, inappropriate touching and loitering. Prevention, Immediate response All
96 Safe space by Stagecoach Education Stagecoach West have a ‘Safe Space’ initiative where people in the community, for example runners, can jump on the bus if they feel threatened and the bus and driver will be a ‘safe space’. The driver will contact the Police to report any suspicious person in an incident like this. Immediate response, Post-incident reaction Bus
97 Safe Spaces on Metro and interchanges by Nexus Surveillance and Policing Safe space for vunerable people to go and talk to staff if they are in difficulty or need help. Immediate response Rail
98 Shorim NW London Surveillance and Policing Shomrim organisations around the world operate as a mobile neighbourhood watch and acts as eyes and ears to the local community and the Police Service. Prevention, Immediate response All
99 That Guy Education Campaign from Police Scotland that aims to reduce rape, serious sexual assault and harassment by having frank conversations with men about male sexual entitlement. Prevention All
100 SafeStreets Surveillance and Policing SafeStreets is a social safety network, that connects neighbours and keeps your family and your home safe from people that would do you harm. Prevention, Immediate response All
101 Harassmap Management Website that lets you report where  VAWG incidents have happened. Post-incident reaction All
102 Staff training provided by Graham Goulder Education Training is to equip staff with further knowledge and awareness around rape and sexual assault.  The training will discuss the idea of the ‘bystander approach’ supporting individuals to make effective decisions. Immediate response All
103 This is not an invitation to rape me Education Targeted educational campaign directed at mens and boys to reduce unwanted sexual behaviour. Prevention All
104 Real consent programme Education RealConsent is an online training program for sexual assault prevention and alcohol education that is aimed at educating college-aged students. Prevention All
105 Self Audits Management Process that trains community members and groups to carry out safety audits themselves. This tool has helped incorporate women into the transport planning process – establishing them as safety expert and empowering them to bring positive change to their communities. Prevention All
106 Have a word campaign Education Campaign to get men to reflect on their sexual own behaviour. Prevention, Immediate response All
107 Theatre interventions Education Applied theatre projects use a wide range of techniques and approaches that are generally participatory in nature and share the goal of creating social awareness and change with the audience. Prevention All
108 See Say Management Tool for reporting concerns. When you see a problem, the See Say app provides a quick and discreet way to inform people who can do something about it. Immediate response All
109 Self Evident Management App to report non emergecny crimes to the police. The app allows victims and witnesses to report a crime, giving an account of what happened, and attach photos and/or video footage Post-incident reaction All
110 Solace Management Free and confidential advice and support for women in London affected by abuse. Post-incident reaction All
111 Windsor safety hub Built Environment A safety hub which provides support for vulnerable people in and around the town centre at night in Windsor. Prevention, Immediate response All
112 Empowerment campaigns and training Education Interventions designed to promote empowerment through self-defence and coaching for young women. Benefits may include awareness raising and skills to recognise inappropriate behaviour and keeping friends safe. Prevention, Immediate response All
113 Home Safe Management Home Safe helps to cover the cost of UBER and taxi rides all over the United Kingdom. Mission is to support and encourage women to take safer journeys home instead of walking alone at night. Prevention All
114 Voluteer neighbourhood watch groups - Street Angels Surveillance and Policing Street Angels is the church and community working together to provide more physical presence on the street to deter offenders and to help those in need. Prevention, Immediate response All
115 Digital printing for train seat promotion Design A method to print messages and campaigns on railway seats. Different method to present a message to passengers might make it more memorable to them. Prevention Rail
116 See.Sense Management Collecting data through customer sensors installed on their bikes. Insights from the data can be used to inform planning, policy, safety, carbon reduction, behaviour change and are providing the evidence base for future investments. Prevention All