Policy paper

Introduction of T Levels

Find out what T Levels courses include and how they work with other qualifications including grading and UCAS points.

Applies to England



Information about the new T Level study programmes including:

  • what T Levels are
  • what they cover
  • how qualifications will be awarded
  • how education providers can get involved in delivery

Updates to this page

Published 9 March 2018
Last updated 9 March 2023 show all updates
  1. Updated 'Introduction of T Levels' to reflect revised T Level rollout timetable. Added information on the award of UCAS tariff points to support students who partially achieve T Levels.

  2. Updated the T Level timeline section to add marketing from 2025 and move animal care and management to 2024. Also updated the closing date for providers registering to deliver T Levels from September 2024.

  3. Updated 'T Levels: what they are' section.

  4. We've updated information about: the timeline for the roll out of T Level courses, the difference between T Levels and apprenticeships, the T Level Transition Programme and the support for professional development. We've added links on registering to deliver T Levels from September 2023 and 2024, and the Get the Jump content hub.

  5. Updated the sections on the 'structure of a T Level' and 'grading and certification' to reflect the changes to English and maths requirements for T Levels.

  6. Removed human resources from the lists of available T Levels.

  7. Minor updates to reflect that T Levels have started.

  8. Removed cultural heritage and visitor attractions from the list of subjects. Moved human resources and legal from autumn 2022 to autumn 2023.

  9. Added 2022 T level providers and updated course titles.

  10. Updated with information for technical qualifications, 2020 course titles and new content on the T Levels website.

  11. Updated information following the publication of the T Levels action plan 2019 and the launch of the new T Levels campaign.

  12. Added new information about T Level grading, certification and UCAS points.

  13. Updated information about how long industry placements must last.

  14. Changed the name of the Institute for Apprenticeships to the Institute for Apprenticeships and Technical Education.

  15. Updated information on how T levels fit with other post-GCSE choices, the structure, funding and grading. Added a link to the expression of interest and a section on industry placements.

  16. Updated content following the publication of the action plan including the important dates.

  17. Added link to the consultation response and list of 2020 providers. Updated the important dates.

  18. First published.

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