Combined nomenclature (CN) codes - HTML version
Updated 31 January 2025
Scientific name | Common name | CN codes for live specimens | When it was listed |
Acacia saligna (Acacia cyanophylla) | Golden wreath wattle | ex 0602 90 47 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
15 August 2019 |
Acridotheres tristis | Common myna | ex 0106 39 80 ex 0407 19 90 (fertilised eggs for incubation) |
15 August 2019 |
Ailanthus altissima | Tree of Heaven | ex 0602 90 48 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
15 August 2019 |
Alopochen aegyptiacus | Egyptian goose | ex 0106 39 80 ex 0407 19 90 (fertilised eggs for incubation) |
2 August 2017 |
Alternanthera philoxeroides | Alligator weed | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
2 August 2017 |
Andropogon virginicus | Broomsedge bluestem | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
15 August 2019 |
Arthurdendyus triangulatus | New Zealand flatworm | ex 0106 90 00 | 15 August 2019 |
Asclepias syriaca | Common Milkweed | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
2 August 2017 |
Baccharis halimifolia | Eastern baccharis | ex 0602 90 46 or 0602 90 48 ex 0602 90 45 (rooted cuttings and young plants) ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
3 August 2016 |
Cabomba caroliniana | Fanwort | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
3 August 2016 |
Callosciurus erythraeus | Pallas’s squirrel | ex 0106 19 00 | 3 August 2016 |
Cardiospermum grandiflorum | Balloon vine | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
15 August 2019 |
Cortaderia jubata | Purple pampas grass | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
15 August 2019 |
Corvus splendens | Indian house crow | ex 0106 39 80 ex 0407 19 90 (fertilised eggs for incubation) |
3 August 2016 |
Ehrharta calycina | Perennial veldt grass | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
15 August 2019 |
Eichhornia crassipes | Water hyacinth | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
3 August 2016 |
Elodea nuttallii | Nuttall’s waterweed | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
2 August 2017 |
Eriocheir sinensis | Chinese mitten crab | ex 0306 33 90 | 3 August 2016 |
Gunnera tinctoria | Chilean rhubarb | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
2 August 2017 |
Gymnocoronis spilanthoides | Senegal tea plant | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
15 August 2019 |
Heracleum mantegazzianum | Giant hogweed | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
2 August 2017 |
Heracleum persicum | Persian hogweed | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
3 August 2016 |
Heracleum sosnowskyi | Sosnowsky’s hogweed | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
3 August 2016 |
Herpestes javanicus | Small Asian mongoose / Javan mongoose | ex 0106 19 00 | 3 August 2016 |
Humulus scandens | Japanese hop | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
15 August 2019 |
Hydrocotyle ranunculoides | Floating pennywort | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
3 August 2016 |
Impatiens glandulifera | Himalayan balsam | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
2 August 2017 |
Lagarosiphon major | Curly waterweed | ex 0602 90 50 | 3 August 2016 |
Lepomis gibbosus | Pumpkinseed | ex 0301 99 17 ex 0511 91 90 (fertile fish eggs for hatching) |
15 August 2019 |
Lespedeza cuneata (Lespedeza juncea var. sericea) | Chinese bushclover | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
15 August 2019 |
Lithobates catesbeianus (Rana catesbeianus) | North American bullfrog | ex 0106 90 00 | 3 August 2016 |
Ludwigia grandiflora | Water-primrose | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
3 August 2016 |
Ludwigia peploides | Floating primrose-willow | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
3 August 2016 |
Lygodium japonicum | Vine-like fern | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
15 August 2019 |
Lysichiton americanus | American skunk cabbage | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
3 August 2016 |
Microstegium vimineum | Japanese stiltgrass | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
2 August 2017 |
Muntiacus reevesi | Muntjac deer | ex 0106 19 00 | 3 August 2016 |
Myocastor coypus | Coypu | ex 0106 19 00 | 3 August 2016 |
Myriophyllum aquaticum | Parrot’s feather | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
3 August 2016 |
Myriophyllum heterophyllum | Broadleaf watermilfoil | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
2 August 2017 |
Nasua nasua | Coati | ex 0106 19 00 | 3 August 2016 |
Nyctereutes procyonoides | Raccoon dog | ex 0106 19 00 | 2 February 2019 |
Ondatra zibethicus | Muskrat | ex 0106 19 00 | 2 August 2017 |
Orconectes limosus (Faxonius limosus) | Spiny-cheek crayfish | ex 0306 39 10 | 3 August 2016 |
Orconectes virilis (Faxonius virilis) | Virile crayfish | ex 0306 39 10 | 3 August 2016 |
Oxyura jamaicensis | Ruddy duck | ex 0106 39 80 ex 0407 19 90 (fertilised eggs for incubation) |
3 August 2016 |
Pacifastacus leniusculus | Signal crayfish | ex 0306 39 10 | 3 August 2016 |
Parthenium hysterophorus | Whitetop weed | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
3 August 2016 |
Pennisetum setaceum | Crimson fountaingrass | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
2 August 2017 |
Percottus glenii | Amur sleeper / Chinese sleeper | ex 0301 99 17 ex 0511 91 90 (fertile fish eggs for hatching) |
3 August 2016 |
Persicaria perfoliata (Polygonum perfoliatum) | Asiatic tearthumb | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
3 August 2016 |
Plotosus lineatus | Striped eel catfish | ex 0301 19 00 ex 0301 99 85 ex 0511 91 90 (fertile fish eggs for hatching) |
15 August 2019 |
Procambarus clarkii | Red swamp crayfish | ex 0306 39 10 | 3 August 2016 |
Procambarus fallax f. virginalis | Marbled crayfish | ex 0306 39 10 | 3 August 2016 |
Procyon lotor | Raccoon | ex 0106 19 00 | 3 August 2016 |
Prosopis juliflora | Mesquite | ex 0602 90 47 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
15 August 2019 |
Pseudorasbora parva | Topmouth gudgeon (also known as Stone moroko) | ex 0301 99 17 ex 0511 91 90 (fertile fish eggs for hatching) |
3 August 2016 |
Pueraria montana var. lobata (Pueraria lobata) | Kudzu vine | ex 0602 90 50 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
3 August 2016 |
Salvinia molesta (Salvinia adnata) | Salvinia moss | ex 0602 90 50 | 15 August 2019 |
Sciurus carolinensis | Grey squirrel | ex 0106 19 00 | 3 August 2016 |
Sciurus niger | Fox squirrel | ex 0106 19 00 | 3 August 2016 |
Tamias sibiricus | Siberian chipmunk | ex 0106 19 00 | 3 August 2016 |
Threskiornis aethiopicus | Sacred ibis | ex 0106 39 80 ex 0407 19 90 (fertilised eggs for incubation) |
3 August 2016 |
Trachemys scripta | Red-eared, Yellow-bellied and Cumberland sliders | ex 0106 20 00 | 3 August 2016 |
Triadica sebifera (Sapium sebiferum) | Chinese tallow | e x 0602 90 48 ex 1209 99 99 (seeds) |
15 August 2019 |
Vespa velutina nigrithorax | Asian hornet | ex 0106 49 00 | 3 August 2016 |