Investigating UK public sector demand for Earth Observation technology
A summary of research co-funded by the Geospatial Commission and Satellite Applications Catapult

Image credit: European Space Agency
Earth Observation (EO), particularly that collected from satellites, is a fundamental source of location data used by society today to better the lives of citizens across the UK. It provides information about our planet at a frequency and coverage that is simply not possible from any other source. Currently, EO data is used across the UK public sector for a range of operational purposes, from environmental monitoring to emergency incident response, and has the potential to offer significant additional value to the public.
This report from the Satellite Applications Report summarises research that has been jointly funded by the Geospatial Commission and Satellite Applications Catapult. Including evidence from 125 UK public sector organisations that are current or potential users of EO data, the study aims to identify and describe these uses and suggests next steps for the UK public sector EO community to consider to realise greater value.