Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 variants: technical briefings
Technical briefing documents on novel SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Applies to England
Technical briefing documents and underlying data on novel SARS-CoV-2 variants.
Previous versions were published by Public Health England.
See daily overview and summary of case data for Omicron.
Updates to this page
Added technical briefing 55 and underlying data spreadsheet.
Added technical briefing 54 and underlying data spreadsheet.
Corrected table 2 title in technical briefing 53.
Corrected data in table 1 of technical briefing 53.
Added technical briefing 53 and underlying data spreadsheet.
Added technical briefing 52 and underlying data spreadsheet.
Added technical briefing 51 and underlying data spreadsheet.
Corrected section 4.1 of Technical briefing 50.
Added technical briefing 50 and underlying data spreadsheet.
Changed section 5.1 to part 6 in technical briefing 49.
Added technical briefing 49 and underlying data spreadsheet.
Added technical briefing 48 and underlying data spreadsheet.
Minor correction to table 1b in technical briefings 45 and 46.
Added latest technical briefing and underlying data.
Correction to reporting of cases in England only in technical briefing 45.
Added latest technical briefing and accompanying data.
Added latest report and underlying data.
Added technical briefing 44 and data spreadsheet.
Updated technical briefing 43 with link to latest risk assessment.
Added latest report and underlying data.
Added latest report and underlying data.
Added latest report and underlying data.
Added latest weekly report and underlying data.
Added latest report and underlying data.
Added latest Technical Briefing and accompanying data.
Added latest technical briefing and underlying data.
Corrected data cut-off date to 7 February 2022 for technical briefing 36.
Added latest technical briefing and underlying data.
Added latest technical briefing and accompanying data.
Updated link in technical briefing 34 to Oxford University and ONS study.
A correction has been made to the summary and symptom analysis text due to an earlier error. The analysis and findings are unchanged.
Added latest technical briefing and underlying data.
Corrected next publication date of Omicron risk assessment in latest technical briefing.
Added technical briefing on Omicron and underlying data.
Added technical briefing 33.
Updated information about the performance of diagnostic LFDs under 2.1 in Technical Briefing 32.
Added latest Technical Briefing and underlying data.
Omicron daily overview moved to new page and linked from details section.
Added Omicron daily overview: 13 December 2021.
Added latest technical briefing and underlying data.
Added 'Omicron VOC-21NOV-01 (B.1.1.529) update on cases, S gene target failure and risk assessment' and underlying data.
Added latest technical briefing and underlying data.
Added latest technical briefing and accompanying data.
Added technical briefing 28 and underlying data.
Added technical briefing 27 and underlying data.
Added technical briefing 26 and underlying data.
Added latest Technical Briefing and underlying data.
First published.