
Investment Zones: privacy notice

Published 6 October 2022

The following is to explain your rights and give you the information you are entitled to under UK data protection legislation.

Note that this section only refers to your personal data (your name, address and anything that could be used to identify you personally, not the other contents of your Investment Zones documentation).

1. The identity of the data controller and contact details of our Data Protection Officer

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities (DLUHC) is a data controller for all Investment Zones related personal data collected with the relevant forms submitted to DLUHC, and the control and processing of Personal Data.

The Data Protection Officer can be contacted at

2. Why we are collecting your personal data

Mayoral Combined Authorities, the Greater London Authority, Upper Tier Local Authorities, Unitary Authorities and Freeports, have been designated as lead local authorities for Investment Zones.

As part of the Expression of Interest (EOI) process for the Investment Zones, we will be collecting the following data from lead local authorities:

  • Names and contact details of key staff preparing the EOI (personal data)
  • Names and contact details of key staff approving the EOI (personal data)
  • Names and contact details of the lead officer managing the delivery of Investment Zones programmes (personal data)

Your personal data is being collected as an essential part of the Investment Zones, so that we can contact you regarding your Expression of Interest (EOI), request supporting documentation if required, process future information which may be requested and for monitoring purposes. We may also use it to contact you about matters specific to the programme.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities will process all data according to the provisions of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the UK General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (UK GDPR) and all applicable laws and regulations relating to processing of Personal Data and privacy, including, where necessary, the guidance and codes of practice issued by the Information Commissioner and any other relevant data protection regulations (together “the Data Protection Legislation (as amended from time to time)”).

The Data Protection Legislation sets out when we are lawfully allowed to process your data.

The lawful basis that applies to this processing is Article 6 (1) (e) of the UK GDPR; that processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller; data being processed belongs to business contacts processed during the routine course of business of a government department.

4. With whom we will be sharing the data

As part of the process of assessment and monitoring of the Investment Zones, the Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities will share your personal data with relevant government departments or arm’s-length bodies, including:

  • His Majesty’s Treasury (HMT)
  • Cabinet Office
  • His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
  • Department for Work and Pensions
  • Department for Transport
  • Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy
  • Department for Education
  • Ministry of Defence
  • Department for International Trade (now Department for Business and Trade)
  • Department of Environment Food and Rural Affairs
  • Department for Culture Media and Sport

We may also share data with contractors for the purposes of assessment, monitoring and evaluation, in which case their contract will set out what they are permitted to do with the data.

There are data processing agreements in place between the Department and its data processors to ensure that the processing of your personal data remains in strict accordance with the requirements of data protection legislation.

5. How long we will keep the personal data, or criteria used to determine the retention period

Your personal data will be held for up to 12 years from the point that the EOI is approved. This is currently estimated to be Winter 2034. As part of the monitoring process, we will contact you regularly to ensure our records are up to date.

6. Your rights, e.g., access, rectification, erasure

The data we are collecting is your personal data, and you have considerable say over what happens to it.

You have the right to:

a. know that we are using your personal data

b. see what data we have about you

c. ask to have your data corrected, and to ask how we check the information we hold is accurate

d. object to the use of your personal data in certain circumstances and to have your personal data deleted when the processing is no longer necessary

e. complain to the ICO (see below)

7. Sending data overseas

Your personal data will not be sent overseas.

8. Automated decision making

Only your email address will be used for any automated decision making. This will be to check if it a email address or from a relevant Freeports body.

9. Storage, security and data management

We use a third-party system, Microsoft Forms, to collect information for EOI. In the first instance your personal data will be stored on their secure UK-based server. Your personal data will be transferred to our secure government IT system as soon as possible, and it will be stored there for up to 12 years before it is deleted, unless we identify that its continued retention is unnecessary before that point.

Where data is shared with third parties, as set out in section 4 above, we require third parties to respect the security of your data and to treat it in accordance with the law. All third parties are required to take appropriate security measures to protect your personal information in line with our policies.

10. Complaints and more information

If you are unhappy with the way the department is using your personal data, you can make a complaint.

You have a right to lodge a complaint with the independent Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) if you think we are not handling your data fairly or in accordance with the law. You can also contact the ICO for independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing. The ICO’s contact details are provided below.

If you are not happy with how we are using your personal data, you should first contact

If you are still not happy, or for independent advice about data protection, privacy and data sharing, you can contact:

The Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Telephone: 0303 123 1113 or 01625 545 745